Sunday, March 27, 2011


Happy Monday Everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. I am starting this week with a post about miniatures....miniature horses and miniature people!! Remember when I went to my friend Jan's house and had a chance to play with cute dogs and horses all day?
Here are some of the mini horses that Jan has living on her farm! They were so, the size of Reba! In these first two pics they look sort-of normal... But to see them standing next to a four-year-old (the girl in the foreground of the picture below is four), puts it in perpective how small they are! Cuties. So. My best good neighbor friend, Erin, is pregnant with twins. She is due in late July. On Friday they had a doctor's appointment to find out the gender of the babies. Later that night, friends and family were gathering over at their house for a little Gender Reveal Party. First, they got a great health report, and Praise Jesus both babies are healthy and growing and normal and all that jazz. Cousin Jack excited for the big reveal!

During her ultrasound, the doctor did not tell her the sex of the babies because she wanted to be surprised, too.A few of the cousins playing before cupcake time.

So after her appointment, the nurse called a nearby bakery and told them to fill Erin's pre-ordered cupcakes with either blue or pink filling....or both! We were all so excited, and Facebook was abuzz all day, wondering what the BabIES Hill were! Big Brother, Webb

Later on the in the day, Erin went by the bakery to pick up the surprise cupcakes. She walks up to the counter and says, "Hi, I'm here to pick up my order...the name is Erin Hill." Cutie Patootie, Jones

And the little girl behind the counter says, "Oh, yes, two dozen cupcakes, right?" "Right." Erin says, hands resting on her big round obviously pregnant belly. Dobbs and Madison!

"And they're blue, right?" says the idiot teenager behind the counter. Erin, shocked and disappointed, says, "I don't know." with gritted teeth and looks at the girl like only an angry mother can. That poor girl stammered and stuttered and didn't know what to say! Bless her stupid little heart. So unfortunately the surprise was ruined for Erin. But she said at that point she was so happy they had gotten a clean bill of health that she really didn't care what the babies were, or how she found out what they were.
Webb taking his first bite of the revealing cupcake!

IT'S A BOY!!!!
'Uncle Tom' was surprised, too.

Surprised but not envious. :)


On Saturday afternoon I went to Memphis to visit Bex in the hospital.

YES, people, Bex is still alive and well....and a new mother!

As many of you know, Bex has been out of commission for some time because she's been pregnant. And on Friday afternoon she gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl!

They have named her Evelyn, and are going to call her Evie (pronounced EVE-ie). So cute, right? The jury is still out on the middle name.

Bex and her family have had a lot of prayer worriers, praying earnestly for them over the past five months or so.

When she was at about 20 weeks, they found out that the baby had an abnormal chromosome, and would most definitely the very least...a cleft lip.

The doctors told them that this abnormal chromosome could lead to one of 700 different possible abnormalities and/or disabilities. That's right....700 different things to go wrong.

Can you imagine getting news like this? They learned that the baby could be effected by a cleft lip, or worse, a cleft palatte (the difference is, the lip is just he lip, and the palatte is the bone that defines some of the facial structure), or even worse, Downs Syndrome, and so on.

And to top it all off, they would not know any more until the baby was born. So Bex said she just prayed for five long months, asking God to give her what He was going to give her, but to also give her the grace to handle whatever it was.

And He prevailed for them, because little Evie was only born with the slightest cleft in her lip!!! Correcting this is a simple, out-patient, one-time cosmetic surgery. They will be able to have the surgery when Evie is over three months old.

I think she is beautiful! What a blessing and miracle.
She is healthy, chubby, and adorable. The power of prayer. Love it!

Bex's other child, Samuel, is almost three. He told Mommy that it was time for her to come on home to 'his house,' and that she could just 'leave the baby here with the doctors.' Ha!

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