Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter! week late

Today is Sunday and I am propped up in bed drinking coffee, talking to my sister, and catching on blogging. What's better, right?

So, just in case you haven't had your fill of chocolate bunnies, spiral ham, and monogrammed baskets, here's the obligatory Easter post for full week late.


I like to do Easter every year at my house because for our family it's usually a small-ish holiday and we can all fit around my dining room table.

Back in the day, when I was living the single-gal dream in Nashville, Myra and I would host Easter for our friends at her house and do a MEAN 'table scape.' Every year I think of her when I'm getting the table ready for Easter lunch!
This year I used my favorite dishsd (not my wedding china like we usually do), and I think it turned out really pretty and Spring-y.

China check...P-dub style:

Vietri Incanto

I also made my traditional Bunny Cake. You can see last year's cake and recipe here.

Just a fun and funny Easter tradition. Unfortunately the baking powder I used was expired (oops) so the cake tasted AWFUL. But have no fear...I also made a Key Lime Pie as a back-up dessert. :)

Cute, right?

We had a lovely afternoon just eating, playing, and enjoying the day. Here's our favorite toddler with her grandaddy:

So sweet, right?

These two are quite a pair.

Unca Tom and Lilly....

Lilly laughing at silly Unca Tom. I love this picture of her...looks like she's thinking, "Oh Unca Tom, you are so cute and funny."

BTW, how cute is this little outfit? Sara Whit always has Lil in the cutest clothes. When I have kids, if we have a girl, I will have hit the Hand-Me-Down Wardrobe Jackpot.

Lilly had already been to three...count 'em THREE Easter Egg Hunts so she was kind-of over the whole concept by the time she made it our house.

Sara Whit said her favorite thing was opening all the eggs to see what was inside. These were empty so she lost interest quickly. Ha!

What's in here....nothing. Let me see.....

What about this one...nothing again. LAME.

Who brought these lame-o empty eggs, anyway?!

Since there's no egg excitement, I'll just put my shades on and chill.

What about these sassy sandals? They were a gift from her Aunt LaLa. :)

Since the eggs were less than exciting, she decided to help Uncle Tom water his herbs. She picked up the watering can and said, "Oooph. Hebby Tom. Hebby." (Heavy, Tom. Heavy)

Sara Whit and I did throw a couple of eggs out in the yard to see if she'd 'hunt' for them....

A few got closely inspected to make sure of 'no buds.' (No bugs...sister HATES a bug)

Again, the egg hunting didn't last because she was over it by now. So we just hung out and enjoyed the nice weather.

Lilly and Reba have become quite good friends. "Oh Weebah! Kiss Weebah, kiss!"

I love Lilly's face in the picture above.

It was a great Easter had by all!

I am beginning to think I should change my blog title to "Running in the Delta...with Lilly." because she has been the star of this show lately. But I just can't help it...she's such an adorable photo subject!

Please tune in tomorrow for a more running-related post. :)

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