Friday, March 25, 2011


Yesterday we had our weekly staff meeting. Our marketing team, made up of 8 managers and our director go around the table and each discusses current projects they're working on.

Boss-Man: Okay, Bob, you're up next.

Me: Uggggghhhhh...Bob's stuff is always so BORING. *entire team except for Bob dissolves into laughter*

Boss-Man: Laura! Watch it. I'll rip your little face off.

Me: Whatev. You're annoying me.

Boss-Man: Bob, go ahead.

Every Friday my director takes us to lunch at a restaurant here on property, instead of eating in the bunk employee buffeteria (buffet + cafeteria = buffeteria).

Me: Are you taking us to lunch today?

Boss-Man: Yes. We're leaving in a few minutes.

Me: Okay I'll meet you there because I have to run down to security.

Boss-Man: What do you want us to order you to drink?

Me: Water.

Boss-Man: What's with your sassy face and your sassy tone and the sassy way you're standing?


Boss-Man: Watch it. I'll rip your little face off.

Me: Whatev. You're annoying me.

Boss-Man: Okay! See you at lunch.

I am in charge of our car giveaways we do at the casino. Today I have to go pick up a car from the dealership and bring it back to display and give away in a few weeks.

Me: Hey. John and I are going to pick up the car and go to Target and go to get FroYo and then go to have happy hour. We'll be back never.

Boss-Man: Watch it! I'll rip your little face off.

Me: No, seriously, we're doing all those things and I don't care who knows it!

Boss-Man: Okay. See you when you get back.

Our graphic designer had a huge vinyl banner made for me, to take to a trade show we were sponsoring.

Me: I love it! It looks great!

Boss-Man: Eh. It looks kind of blurry to me.

Graphic Artist: It doesn't look blurry to me.

Me: Yeah. Me neither.

Boss-Man: Look! It's totally blurry.

Me: It just looks blurry to you because you are old and have old eyes. Everything looks blurry from your old eyes.

Boss-Man: Watch it. I'll rip your little face off.

Most days I don't *love* my job, but my boss is pretty cool. Most days.

Holla for FRIDAY everyone!

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