Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yummy Hummy

Raise your hand if you love Hummus. *Raises Hummus-covered pita chip high in the air.*

Raise your hand if you've never tried Hummus.

Raise your hand if you hate Hummus. Now go away because we can't be friends.

Just kidding, come on back! I'll still be your friend but I think you're weird. No big deal.

Lately I have been loving this protein-y, creamy, Greek-y dip. Ever since my experience with
authentic home-made Greek hummus, I have been eating it like crazy.

I find myself getting so jealous of other bloggers who live near civilization and places like Whole Food and Traders Joe's, where fancy hummus flavors are a-plenty.

The only thing our little Piggly Wiggly has 'a-plenty' of is chicken wings.

So as much hummus as Tom and I eat, I decided to try my hand at making my own.

Enter: Laura's Red Pepper and Sea Salt Hummus!

Also known as Yummy Hummy.

The star of this show is canned Chick Peas (also called Garbanzo beans). Last night I also tried these Salt and Vinegar Roasted Chick Peas but burned the heck out of them. So they tasted like salty bee-bees. I shall try again and report back.

Total list of ingredients include:

  • 1 can chick peas

  • 1 can White Northern Beans*

  • 1/4 cup Italian Dressing

  • 2 t. minced garlic

  • Sea Salt

  • Red Pepper

*The White Northern Beans can be substituted for another can of Chick Peas if you like. I just wanted to use the beans because there is a restaurant in Tunica that has an Ahi Tuna dish that is served over a White Bean Puree and it is awesome. That is all. A food processor is necessary for this recipe. I thought about it, and there's no getting around it. You need the processor.

First, drain and rinse your beans. Or do the chick peas first. It don't matter none. Give 'em a little whirl in the processor to make room for the second can. Next, rinse your drain and rinse your Chick Peas. And they join the bean in the processor as well. Then just give a little pulse, pulse, pulse on the processor. Next, add your Italian Dressing.

I would like to kiss the man that invented Italian Dressing. He has changed my life for the better. Next, in goes the garlic. You might need to do a little mashing or scraping with a spatula.... Now put your lid on and strain in some water until the hummus reaches your desired consistency. It should look kind of like baby food. Sorry, but it should. Then add your sea salt. Start with a little, give it a taste, and add more if necessary.

Same with the Red Pepper. Use your own discretion. I like mine with a kick so I do a lot of Red Pepper for this recipe. After a whir, whir, whir in the processor (yes, 'whir' is a technical cooking term), give the 'ole Yummy Hummy a taste test. Add more Sea Salt and Red Pepper if necessary.

When it's seasoned to your liking, plate 'er up! Serve with some veggies, or my favorite, pita chips. Yummy Hummy get in my tummy!

Sorry, I had to go there. I have also added salted, roasted almonds to this recipe and it was lovely. Tom likes almonds in his hummy. He has a very refined palate.

Make it this weekend and enjoy on your patio with friends and wine!

Have a great Wednesday, everyone!

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