Saturday, April 9, 2011

Playing Catch Up

Hiiiiiiiii Everybody! How's your Monday? It's rainy and dreary here. It was a sunny and hot weekend and it got me ready for SUMMER and a TAN. Boy do I need a tan...tan fat looks better than white fat, remember. Speaking of fat....(just fat talk allowed on this blog please) I have been very slowly getting back in to a more normal exercise routine. After a semi-successful month of January, I totally bailed on February and March. What has gotten into me? I have no idea. Just no motivation whatsoever. I blame it on the weather. It's totally not like, me, but it's the truth. However, lately I have gotten a little bit of a fire under me, so I've been taking Reba on long walks in the mornings. Many times, we will do a walk/run combo and you can tell Reba is in heaven. I will say, "Reba, it's time for your walk! Go get your collar." And she will disappear for a few seconds and come trotting back to me with her red collar in her mouth. So cute! The other day, I told her to get her collar and she came back with her old collar...the camouflaged one that makes her look like a boy. And I said, "No, not that one. Go get your red collar." And she did. No lie. Sister is SMART! So anyway, we have been having some good mommy-daughter walk time and I am getting back into it. Bex is chomping at the bit to get back into it, too! She is going stir crazy at home and frequently texts or calls with demands to pick out a 5K in the near future. Other stuff going on as of late... Remember my good friend Christina who we had the shower for in Birmingham? Well, she had her baby on February 24th and sent us the pictures a couple weeks ago. Linnie Grace's Christening!
The same priest that married Christina and Marcus, christened Linnie Grace.
PRESH! Love her face...I need to go for a visit soon!

A couple weeks ago we had our monthly supper club with a fun group of friends. I am always 'that friend' at these gatherings that makes everyone stop what they're doing and take a group picture. Everyone acts annoyed by it, but I'm sure they'll thank me one day!
On Saturday the weather was beautiful, and I got wind that Lilly was out at my in-laws visiting for the day. So Reba and I took a ride out to their house to hang out with our favorite little lady!
Reba looooooooves visiting Mamie and Boo almost as much as Lilly does, I think!
She enjoys visiting her cousin, Big Bubba.
Look at this her funny face!

We had all sorts of fun climbing the monkey bars and playing with the dogs outside.

Lil and Reebs have always been good friends. Lilly followed Reba around say, "Weebah kiss, Weebah kiss!" and would kiss her on the face.
There are all sorts of cool things at Mamie and Boo's house in the country. Lilly and Maime watch humming birds, catch turtles, and while I was there Boo brought Lilly a frog.
Hmmmmmm, not so sure about that Boo.

It was a fun Saturday.

This weekend we are welcoming friends into town for the annual Crawfish Alley!! I can't wait to see some Nashville friends and eat some crawfish. Pray for good weather.

Have a great week everyone!

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