Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Weight Watchin' Wednesday

Hey All...

You may have noticed last week that I didn't even bother to post about WW updates because there were none. I stayed the same, and also did not have any workouts to speak of. Sorry bout that. The Fourth of July celebrations got me all distracted.

But I was back in full force this week. Before I get into all the WW bidness, I wanted to update yall on my wonderful good fun funny running buddy BEX!

As you might remember, Bex's second baby was born with a tiny cleft in her lip. We all prayed for little Evie for three long months before the surgery took place yesterday morning. On Monday I went for a farm run at Bex's house and when we finished Evie was awake and playing on the living room floor (on one of those mat things with all the bells and whistles).

She was so adorable, just smiling and squealing and staring up at her toys. Bex and I prayed over her, and for her doctors, and for everything to go 'textbook.' I can't imagine how Bex and Martin must have felt...having to send their baby girl into surgery and putting 100% of their trust into the doctors' hands.

Well, I am happy to report that all went as planned and Evie came safely out of surgery. Bex sent me this picture yesterday and I teared up at the sight of it!God is so good!

She is just so beautiful I can't even stand it. She is going to be Miss Mississippi before we know it! Love it.

Then just a minute ago she sent me this one with a caption that said, "Headed Home!" You'll notice in the picture she has on these little arm restraints. This is so she doesn't disrupt the stitches on her face. I think Bex said she has to wear them for two weeks.Okay so now for some updates:

Weight Watchers Update:

I lost 2.5 pounds this week! That give me a total of 4.5 pounds lost so far. Which, for me, at the weight I am at, is a great stride in the right direction. For my body, 10 pounds is a dress size so I am half way there! Woot!

So I have a little confession to make. You all probably know that Weight Watchers has switched over to a new system. Under the new Points Plus system, many food items have changed point value, and your daily allowance of points has changed as well.

For the first few weeks of our session I followed the new program. Under this program, all fruits and vegetables have ZERO points. So I was basically gorging myself on fruit, because I love it. AND you get more daily points AND more flex points.

With all of these new found points, I was not nearly as diligent as I'd been in the past with my points. I felt like each week would come and go and I'd never use up all my flex points, and I never felt hungry or unsatisfied.

And I also never lost any weight to speak of. 2 pounds lost in five weeks was not okay with me.

So, beginning last Wednesday I switched back to the tried and true old Weight Watchers program. I knew that this program had worked for me in the past, so I decided to go with what I know.

And it worked! I honestly think that for me, and my body, and my lifestyle, the old WW system works better. I want to be clear that love Weight Watchers any way you slice it. It has worked for me and I am confident that it would work for anyone wanting to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.

But I just had to stick with what I know and what has worked for me in the past. So fingers crossed this week wasn't just a fluke and I will continue to lose pounds until I get to my feel-great-weight range of 150-155!!

My goals for last week were to:

  • Count points every day using the old system (CHECK!)

  • Lose 2 pounds (CHECK AND A HALF!)

  • Workout 4 days (CHECK!)

Workouts were:

  • Friday: gym workout of 20 minute elliptical, 20 minute treadmill, 30 minute bike, then home for a 15 minute doggie walk

  • Saturday: 4 mile run with Kristi and Bex in 600% humidity

  • Monday: 4 mile farm run with Kristi and Bex under a beautiful farm sunrise!

  • Wednesday: 3 mile solo outdoor run

Goals for THIS WEEK are:

  • Count points using the old system everyday

  • 1 workout in Tunica

  • 3 workouts in WATERCOLOR, FL! I leave on Saturday!

  • Have fun and don't worry about pounds, just get active by biking, walking, running, shopping, playing with Lilly!

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