Monday, September 19, 2011

Oh Hey….

I forgot I had a blog there for a second.  Imagine that.

I have been running and playing and working and having a great time over the past few weeks!  My mom came to town a few weeks ago and I surprised her with a fun girls night out.

DSCN0019 First we had dinner at a great Memphis restaurant, Spindini. 

photo (2) Lobster Pizza and wine?  Yes and yes.


Then we walked down the street to the Orpheum where we went to see Allison Krause and Union Station!  I bought us some cheap seats tickets and we were literally up high enough to touch the ceiling.  It was fun and funny.  We loved it, even though we could really only see the top of good ‘ole Allison’s head.

DSCN0022 This past weekend on Friday, I ran the Cooper Young 4-Miler with two new friends from church, Abby and Hilary.  I was *fired up* because I ran this race in 38:42 which is a 9:41 pace.   And I had a great time with these two sweet girls!

photo photo1     

Although it’s not fast for some, this is VERY fast for me!  I felt great the whole time, and really felt like I was pushing it for the entire four miles.  The race was a great course with very shallow rolling hills, and I think that helped.  It was a great run!

On Sunday I did my long run for the week of 7 miles.  Again, pretty happy with my time of 1:17:28, about a 11:04 pace.  Not quite as fast as I’d like but I’ll take it.

On Sunday night, Tom came home from a 10-day trip to Wyoming!!!


He and three friends drove allllllll the way out to Cody, WY (about 24 hours in the car, over 1500 miles one way) for a week-long camping and hunting trip.

DSCN0063 They started their journey at Livingston Outfitters and traveled on horseback into the Shoshone National Forest.

DSCN0068 Where they spent a week in tents, hunting Elk every day with a bow and arrow.  Hardcore.

DSCN0087 They had an amazing time, and said it was the trip of a lifetime!

DSCN0110 I am so happy to have him home, although I’m not really looking forward to the laundry situation that’s staring me down from the mudroom.  I’ll let you use your imagination as to what it smells like in there.

DSCN0132 So, in a nutshell, that’s the short version of what we’ve been up to lately.

I have been *really* proud of myself and my St. Jude training so far.  I have been very dedicated and sticking with my plan, even when the other girls are unable to run in the morning.  I have done many a long run solo and I am actually enjoying it!

While it’s always nice to run with friends, I have done both of my 7-miles alone, and did just fine!

The crew that did our Cooper Young Run together is gearing up for a 10K on October 15, so I’ll keep you posted on how we do!

Have a great week everyone!

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