Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tunica: Running Tours

Well, well, well, can I just say....I am so excited to see Nashville back in action! What a lovely little sob story about Jillian and her hard-core workout. I have done Jillian's 30-Day Shred all the way up to level three, and I'm with Caitlin. Jillian is not playin' games. Not only does Jillian tourture you with three circuits of strength, cardio, and abs, but she is full of encouraging quotes such as, "You don't get abs like these for free, people." and "Don't strain the neck. The neck is not invited to this party." Love. Her. Speaking of Jillian....did anyone watch the awesome season premier of Biggest Loser? Jillian is more aggressive than ever with a 478-pound woman named Shea. I swear, if she yelled "GET ON THE F*&%ING LADDER, SHEA!!" one more time, I was going to cry for this poor girl. Sweet Shea lost 17 pounds in the first week alone so all the yelling and ladder-climbing paid off.

Sooooooooo...what's been going on in Tunica? Hm....let's see.....nothing too new and exciting. I am extremely sore after my workout yesterday which is a good sign I think! And of course I'm still in love with my gym as you all know. I will probably try for a long run of 7 miles again tomorrow. I have hit somewhat of a plateau with my distance, so will need to hit the pavement with my can-do attitude tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Since I have no fun news to share I wanted to share a cool thing I heard about on the Today Show a couple weeks ago. In various cities across the U.S., avid runners have found a way to showcase their city, make some extra dough, and stay in shape. They are called City Running Tours. Has anyone ever heard of this? I thought it sounded like such a cool idea. If you are ever visiting New York, D.C., Chicago, Charleston, or Austin (there may be more cities but these were the five showcased on the Today Show), you can join a running tour of the city, led by a tour guide who runs as well. The Chicago tours I found are anywhere from 4-8 miles, and cost about $60 per person. What a fun way to see the city, yes? And I assume a neat way to meet other tourists as well.

Caitlin, if you are short on cash and inspiration at any point maybe you, Ben, and Sadie could start your own Running Tour of Nashville! What a great idea.... :)

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