Monday, September 7, 2009

Tunica: I Think I'm Alone Now

Well, I have come to the conclusion that my good friend in Nashville has given up training for the marathon. She talked a mean game at first, but alas, like many, she has fallen short of her goal and quit running. I am making this assumption due to the fact that she has not posted to this blog since August 13th. That's right, people. Three and a half weeks ago was her last post which leads me to believe that was the last time she ran. This is the only logical conclusion I can reach since the whole POINT of this blog (originated by her boyfriend, I might add) was to ENCOURAGE each other and hold one another ACCOUNTABLE. Clearly she does not the feel the need for encouragment and accountability since she has bailed on her long term goal of running the Music City Half Marathon, thus abandoning our shared blog. Boyfriend Ben tried to tell me like a week ago that they were still running, but if that is the case WHY wouldn't she want to brag about it to everyone in cyberworld? Hm? I'm not buyin' it.

Seriously, Caitlin, I hope you note my sarcasm in this post because I'm sure you're still running but I MISS YOU on the blog! I know you're busy with work and school, but gimme five minutes a week to post. FIVE MINUTES IS ALL I ASK! And if you don't start posting I'm gonna be forced to change the url because it does not make sense for a lone girl in Tunica to have a blog with 'TMOBNashville' as the url. :)

Okay so I know all three of our readers are waiting with baited breath to hear about this toe issue I've stuggled with since last week's 7-miler. I have self-diagnosed this injury to have been a Severe Sprain, as I could move it but it just hurt really bad. I figure if it had been broken I wouldn't have been able to move it at all. My medical remedy for this injury included ice packs, flip-flops, and chardonnay to ease the pain. So after a week of sans-running, I got back in the game this morning with the usually Monday Morning Four-Mile Jaunt. It was good. I was tired. Toe is fine. Sore, but fine (remember I am an Ultimate Athlete, so minor injuries such as these must be taken with stride). Tom suggested I 'cut it off' if it continues to bother me. Thanks honey, I'm glad to hear you're so concerned.

Our plan for this week includes runs at 4 miles (check), 6 miles (in the country again...get excited), and hopefully 7 or 8 miles. We are also going to work in a trip to the gym to really turn the training up a notch. Need to get those calves, quads, gluts, hammies, and CORE ready for some serious distance! Stay tuned....

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