Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tunica: 10 Miler Update

Well, as planned Bex and I did our 10 mile on Friday morning last week. I was so glad we decided to do it on Friday because I had a wonderful night on the town for my birthday Saturday night! I would not have been able to do so if I had to prepare for a long run the next morning. Bex was right, no need to miss out on 27th Birthday Celebration for a silly little 10-mile run.

So anyway, we started bright and early on Friday. Did 6 miles, took a break. Did the remaining 4. I wish I had more exciting news to report but that's pretty much it. We have decided to do another long run of 10 miles this week as well. We are in the home stretch before Bex' half marathon on December 5th. Unfortunatly I will not be able to run with her for this race but I am confident she'll be fine.

We have planned for our longest run before her race to be somewhere between 11 and 12 miles. I'm sorry I dont have a more interesting post to share, just not feeling my usual geniously funny creative juices today.
More later!

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