Friday, October 9, 2009

Tunica: Awesome Ultimate Athletes

I just wanted to post today to say that Bex and I ran 9 miles this morning. That's right, people, NINE MILES. It felt great! Wednesday we did 6 miles - no stopping - then planned our long run for today since Bex is going camping with Baby Bex and Mr. Bex this weekend. So we got an early start at 5:45 to do 9 long miles! We did a 5 mile loop, stopped for water, and then did 4 miles. And it felt great, we were really proud of ourselves. However, I am about to fall asleep at my desk I am so tired after doing so much so early. At least I will be able to sleep late as can be tomorrow moring...that is a great feeling. 3 o'clock on Friday, ran this morning, the weekend has begun as far as I'm concerned!

Happy Friday everyone!

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