Sunday, July 3, 2011

This Land is Your Land...

"...this land is my land,
From California
To the New York Island
From the Redwood Forest
To the Gulfstream Waters,
This land was made for you and me!"

Oh I love that song. I don't know why. Just do. It reminds me of elementary school, and my old music teacher Mrs. Rainwater. Mrs. Rainwater was SO MEAN but I always loved music class. Hm.

So how was your 4th of July? We had a nice long weekend and stayed close to home for most of it. In our garden, Tom is growing pickling cucumbers and squash, among other things. He goes out to the garden almost every day and 'harvests' the cukes and squash. This is a small fraction of what we've gotten so far. It is seriously amazing how much produce we've gotten recently.

Tom researched on the internet and taught himself how to pickle. So in a few short weeks we will have pickles galore! Which is fine with me because I love me a dill pickle.

First he chops up the cucumbers...

Spears, chips, and half-chips for the really big ones...

Then stuffs 'em in the Mason jars....

And fills the jars with vinegar and special potion of spices.

Boil's them up in a big pot, and they're ready for storage!

A friend of our told us that it's a good idea to store your pickles under your bed. Because they should be stored in a dark place at room temperature.

So if anyone decides to rob us, they're going to be vastly disappointed when all they find under the beds are jars and jars of homemade pickles, instead of valuables like jewelry and fine silver.

I also made....

One of my favorite things about the 4th of July...

American Flag cake!

It's just white cake with white icing and decorated with berries like a flag. Always a crowd pleaser.

We spent the entire weekend by the pool or on the lake, eating, drinking, and being merry.

I wanted to share these super special pictures of my husband with you guys...

Tom worked hard all weekend perfecting his rib recipe... But more importantly perfected his cannon ball form as well.

And as you can see, the form is really impressive. But he's no one-trick pony....

His can opener form is quite impressive as well...

I mean, seriously, look at that extended leg!!! He could have been an Olympic Can-Opener-Diver-Man.

If the whole farming and pickling thing doesn't work out, we'll know where to turn.

Also, because I love you, and because I couldn't resist it, I had to share these EXTRA-super-special pictures with you guys.

Sorry 'bout your luck, ladies.

But he's taken. Mine all mine. Try to control your jealousy.

A couple of noteworthy questions in regards to the above award-winning photography:

1.) How is it humanly possibly for one's legs to be so extremely pale? I hope our kids get my ability to have pigment in their skin.

2.) Why the Crocs in picture #2? I guess they are helpful in splash maximization when it comes to this sport.

This face is much better:

And so is this gorgeous face! Little Hayley joined us for the day on Saturday.

She had a few tricks for the diving board as well....

Which included but were not limted to jumping off into her daddy's arms.

AND..I wish you guys could have seen this in person...a perfect I MEAN PERFECT rendition of "Tomorrow" from the famous play Little Orphan Annie.

Hayley was Annie last year for Halloween and you better believe she can hit that last "Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya! Tomorrow!" like no four-year-old can.

She's got a little diva in her, I tell you what!

Here she is with her gorgeous mama, Rebecca! They don't look alike or anything....

Our fun friends Lanie and Kirtley were there too (well, Kirtley was there because it was his house). Come to think of it, they kind of look alike too. Ha!

After a day-o-sun-n-swimming, it was time to break out the watermelon.

Hayley was a fan.

All in all it was a great weekend with great friends, celebrating our GREAT country we live in!

Sidenote: I tried to make my pictures bigger but they are looking all crazy and pixelated. Do yall know how to make big, nice, clear pictures on the blog? I used my good camera for these but the blog doesn't do them justice. Any help is appreciated! :)

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