Thursday, August 11, 2011

Withers Gone Wild 2011: Part 1

Hey Everybody!

Miss me? 

I have to be honest…the main reason I had quit blogging for the past almost-a-month is because it got too hard and time-consuming to do so.  Anyone else have this problem with Blogger?  I had read from other bloggers that Windows Live was where it’s AT for blogging, but I kept putting off downloading it.

When I finally did decide to download it, I ran into some issues and being the far-from-tech-savvy gal that I am, I just threw up my hands and decided to call the whole thing off!

But yesterday, I hunkered down and got it downloaded!  And let me tell you that it is going to change my life.  And yours, too, because my blog is going to be way better from here on out.

So get fired up.

Please bare with me as I learn to use it.  :)

Anyway, I obviously have lots to catch everybody up on.  Beginning with a trip to Watercolor, FL, then on to Knoxville to be with more friends and family, and ending with a girls weekend here in Tunica.

So let’s get started, shall we?  I’m going to split our Withers Gone Wild 2011 trip up into two parts (BTW,  you can see the 2010 WGW posts here and here).

A little background story on this year’s beach trip….my mother and father-in-law so graciously rent us a beach house each year in late July.  Last year was Destin, this year we decided to go to Watercolor (which is about 10 steps west of Seaside).  Us kids pitch in for groceries, and treat the whole group to a few nights of eating out.  It’s a great deal for everyone!

This year, Tom was unable to join us, as he is planning to use all his vacation days for a once-in-a-lifetime hunting trip this fall.  But don’t worry, I didn’t let that dampen my vacation spirit.  As yall know, I LOVE my two sisters and my in-laws treat me like one of their own.  While I realize it wouldn’t work in ALL family dynamics, going to the beach for a week with my husband’s family is something I was really looking forward to.

The way the travel arrangements worked out, I wound up planning to drive by myself.  I was going to drive about 5 hours to Mobile to visit my friend Christina and spend the night.  Then travel the 2 1/2 hours on to the beach.  No big deal, right?  I wasn’t necessarily looking forward to driving such a distance by myself but I figured I would just take it easy, shop along the way, and just have a good time.

This was the plan until Friday night, that is. 

I was getting ready in my bedroom, planning outfits, packing my suitcase and beach bag when Tom called and said he was right around the corner, and could I come into the driveway to help him unload some stuff from the car.  I assumed it was more produce from the garden.

So I go outside…

and much to my surprise…

he pulled in the driveway….




I was so confused….I’m getting ready to go out of town for a week and my mom shows up on my doorstep????  Well, turns out my sweet, sweet, generous, sweet mother in law was a sneaky-sneakster and invited my mom to come on our vacation in Tom’s place.  Helen had flown from Knoxville to Memphis, and Tom had just picked her up at the airport!!!!

What a wonderful surprise!  Now, not only would I NOT have to drive all by myself, but I would get some QT in the car AND at the beach with one of my best friends!

Those sneaky ladies…..gotta love it. 

So after all the excitement, we cooked a delicious dinner (pictures in the previous post) full of veggies from the garden.  We turned in early and hit the road the next morning for Mobile to spend the night with my good friend Christina, whom you might remember from this post.

After a long day of driving, eating, sitting in traffic, and catching up, we were greeted by THIS CUTIE at Christina’s house!!!!IMG_3342

Little Linnie Grace is about 5 months old and thriving!

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We had so much fun catching up with Christina and her sweet husband Marcus, and playing with Linnie Grace (I was not in the picture-taking mood, so sorry for the lack of pics!  These are all of LG and their dog!).

But let’s not forget about Christina and Marcus’s first born child, CoCo.  Such a good big sister…


Linnie Grace is such a little button!  She has so much personality, and is so strong and you can tell she wants to badly to crawl, walk, talk…she is on the go!

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Don’t worry.  It’s not like she’s spoiled or anything.  


After an evening of dinner, baby bathing, and baby snuggling, we turned in for the night.  Mom and I had big plans to stop at the outlets in Foley, AL, then press onward to Seaside!

I’ll pick up tomorrow with the second part of our WGW2K11. 

For now, I’ll leave you with some pictures of our fashion show with Miss CoCo Channel.

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