Monday, August 22, 2011

Withers Gone Wild 2011: Part 4…

Also known as the FINAL part, thank goodness!  I know you are probably all Withers’d-out by now!

Here is one of the few pictures I took of our house.  You can see more pictures here.  It is an awesome house and was perfect for our family!

IMG_3663 And just a few more of the ‘ole fam damily on the beach…well, mostly Lilly on the beach.

IMG_3670 IMG_3674 I mean come on, life is good when you’ve got a Capri Sun and an umbrella chair with your name on it, am I right?  Does it really get any better?  Must be nice to be Lilly Whit.

IMG_3677 I love our bunk little set up compared to the fancy-schmancy resort chairs and umbrellas behind us!  That’s how we roll.

IMG_3685 IMG_3690 IMG_3694 This was my view for 99% of the week.  There were many days when we were on the beach from 10am until 7pm.  It was wonderful!


Oh, how I wish I was back there right now!  Tom says if we win the lottery he’ll buy me a house in Seaside.  I’m really looking forward to it.

It is worth mentioning that I worked out TWO times whilst on vacation, and that’s NOT counting all the biking I did to and fro Seaside.  I mean, that counts for something right?

There are lots of awesome nature trails in Watercolor, great for runners!  Both Watercolor and Seaside are really pedestrian and biker friendly.

One morning I ran about 3 miles from our house allllll the way to the Publix, around the far west side of Seaside and back to our house in a big loop.

Another morning I went for a quick 2 mile trail run, and then biked over to Seaside for some fresh raw juice and walked around a little.  It was nice to be there early in the morning when the population is low, and the town is just waking up.

Thanks for sticking around long enough for this year’s WGW.  It just gets better every year!

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