Friday, October 21, 2011

Laura’s Life Lately

Hey Everyone!  Happy Friday to you.

Sorry I’ve been MIA lately…I stare at a computer all day at work, then the last thing I want to do when I get home at night is stare at one some more.  So I’ve been neglecting the blog lately and I apologize!

First thing’s first…I need to tell yall something.

I got home from a late evening at work the other night….

and walked into my bedroom….

only to find Tom in bed with another woman.

Yes, it’s true.  He was in bed with a gorgeous redhead!!!


Look at her, giving me the stink eye.  I told her to get out of my bed and she just stared at Tom lovingly as if to say, “You must choose between us, My Love.”

IMG_4284 And much to my dismay, he picked her.  She gave me the stink eye again for trying to move in on her man.  So I just left and went to do some laundry and watch Law & Order in the den.  By myself.

IMG_4288 The other day Sara Whit and Brian brought Lilly over for kid’s day at the Tunica Fire Department!

Look at how gorgeous she is.  GORGE I tell you!

IMG_4289 Our fire department is made up 100% of volunteers, and I think I’ve mentioned before that Tom is a member.  Each year they bring out the antique fire truck, give rides to the kids, and have hot dogs and hamburgers.  It is a lovely little small-town event.  :)

IMG_4293 Lilly with her dad!  I love this picture.  When she was born, she totally looked like a Withers.  As she has gotten a little older she is looking more and more like her dad.IMG_4299 IMG_4303 Here’s our fearless driver with another truck load of kiddos to tour the neighborhood!

IMG_4305 Lilly’s all strapped in and ready to go fight those fires in the ‘fi-yah twuck.’

IMG_4323 I think this might be a new favorite of mine!  Such a sweet uncle/niece picture!

IMG_4328 We ended the day with hot dogs and Capri Sun.  Fire trucks…friends…hot dogs…what more could a kid want on a Sunday afternoon?!?!


A little update on St. Jude training…

Our longest run to date has been 9 miles.  I was REALLY happy with this time, still hovering around the 11:00+ mile.  

9 mile garmin

When I read other running blogs, sometimes I feel a little inferior and really slow.  I feel like everyone runs half marathons and marathons in sub-10-minute miles and I’m just this super slow tortoise.  But at the end of the day, an 11 minute mile is better than no mile at all.

And I just have to remember that I am competing against no one but myself, and other people’s times and speeds do not matter to me.  Still.  I feel a little slow, but not enough to get discouraged.

So I am happy with where I am in my training.  Last year I wasn’t dedicated to training and while I PR’d in the race, I felt HORRIBLE the whole time.

I can tell this year will be different because I have been much more dedicated to my training.

This year I wrote out all my planned runs, and highlight them as they are completed. training plan 2September’s Calendar above

Yes I am shopping on the internet at work, as evident by the picture above.  Don’t act like I’m the only one.

Anyway, this was the plan for this week:

  • Sunday: rest
  • Monday: 5 mile run
  • Tuesday: rest
  • Wednesday: 1 hour Cross Training
  • Thursday: 8 miles
  • Friday: Rest
  • Saturday:  10 miles

We completed everything except for the Cross Training, so we are gearing up for a long run of 10 miles tomorrow.  I am nervous, but excited.  I always feel a little nervous before a long run.

But it always feels like such an accomplishment when it’s completed. 

So anyway, I have the whole time leading up to the half-marathon planned out week by week, so that we know where we need to be in terms of mileage.  I also have a place on the plan where I write down my average pace for each run, so I can track my speed as well.

training plan 1

Just a few more weeks until the big day!  Last year I was really dreading this day because I was severely undertrained and knew it.  But this year I am excited to see what I can do because I’ve worked hard and am ready for a good race!

training plan 3

Some other random pictures of life lately….

Fall is here in full force in our part of the country and I enjoyed my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season the other day!!  It was a lovely treat. 


Bex and I came home from a run the other morning and were greeted by this in our back yard:

sunriseOne perk to getting up and running in the morning, God rewards your efforts with a beautiful view like this!

And I’ll leave you on this lovely Friday with a picture of my daughter having a bad hair day:

bad hair day  Love her sweet face.

Have a great day everyone, weekend’s almost here!! HOLLA!!!

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