The running was coming so easily to me, and the sweat it was a-flowin'! During these cold winter months don't you have those days where you are like, "GAH I just need to get on a treadmill and run until my legs fall off and I am soaking wet." It felt so good.
Another reason I cranked 'er up was because of the guy (or should I say guido) that had gotten to the treadmill next to me. He had gelled hair, earrings in both ears, and he smelled like he had just tested every cologne possible at Walgreens (I love Walgreens but do they seriously sell that cologne and perfume?). Ish. When he started, I was finishing up a 3-miler at 5.5 favorite....a lovely little 11 minute mile.
Well, his smell and his gel and everything about him kind of jolted me out of my running trance and I was ready to get out of there. Luckily, I only had about 1/2 mile left so I turned up the speed to 7.5 miles per hour and let 'er rip! Before I had even finished he was walking already. Pansy. And I could see him looking at me out of the corner of my eye. Eat your heart, out, dude.
This morning Bex and I did another 6-miler. I was a little worried because as I mentioned last week, I could feel my shoes giving out. A good rule of thumb is to buy new shoes every 100 miles. I have probably put 150 or 200 on these so they are spent. I am really bad about waiting to buy new shoes until it's too late. Then, since I order online it takes another week for my new shoes to get in, thus leaving me with a week of non-running because of my poor planning.This particular week I was in a jam because I don't get paid until Friday and...well....there's just too much month at the end of the money, if you get what I'm sayin'. I would have the moo-lah to buy new shoes but I chose to spend it this past weekend on wine and pasta with Caitlin and Erica in Nashville. Priorities, people. Priorities.
So in an effort to save money and run at the same time, I bought a pair of these at Wal-Mart for like $8!!
Much cheaper than a new pair of kicks. I tried them out for the first time on my treadmill run last night and they worked like a charm. I was seriously surprised. Then, this morning, they stayed strong for the whole 6 miles.
After we finished our sixer last week, I had horribly sore blisters-to-be (you know, the beginnings of a blister) making it really hard to wear my 4-inch Jessica Simpson red suede heels to work (love wearing those shoes to work because everyone stares at me and I love that. They stare at me because everyone I work with wears those Frump City 'SAS' shoes or some generic slip-on clogs that might as well be houseshoes. Barf.). I wore them anyway, but they hurt. More than usual. Anyway, I digress....
So after our run this morning WITH the inserts, my feet feel perfectly fine and awesome! So from now on I'm going to keep a pair of Kiwi brand Athletic Shoe Inserts for Women on hand to use in the interum between old shoes and new shoes.
Weight Watchers Update: Great news! I lost another 1.5 pounds for a total of 7.5 pounds in 5 weeks. Hooty-Hoot!!! Current weight is 164.5. I tell you what (in the words of Erica Lauren Dukes Mooney), I am going to nothin' but hair, teeth, and eyes in NO TIME!
With this being our fifth week of Weight Watchers, this is when they evaluate wheather or not you have to pay. They will evaluate again in another five weeks. Since I lost over 2.5 pounds, my company picked up the tab! Thank you Boyd Gaming for helping me to be fit and trim in five short weeks!
So wouldn't it be cool if I could lose another 7.5 pounds in the next five-week session?!?!! Um, *yes* because that would be a total of 15 pounds and I would love that. If for no other reason than to be able to respond to the question, "Have you lost weight?" with "Um, yeah dude, I lost like 15 pounds. If you think I look good now, you should see me naked!!!!"
Ahahahahaha! Okay, I really wouldn't say that. But I would say, "Um yeah dude, I lost like 15 pounds. Don't I look ridiculously AWESOME?!?!!?"
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