Wednesday, January 6, 2010


This weather. Insane. Right? Right. This morning Bex and I ran 4 miles at 7am. Thank God it was at 7am because at least the sun was up so the temperature rose to a balmy 17 degrees. Since we ran a little later than usual there were more cars on the roads, people going to work and school and whatnot. I could see it on the faces of all the drivers that passed us: "What are those skinny white girls thinkin'? Runin' in this ridiculous cold. Crazy crackers." I mean everyone was looking at us like we were crazy. Here is the seven-day forecast for Tunica. See that Friday night low? That's what we're focused on because the race starts at 7am on Saturday. Don't try to adjust your screen, you are reading this right. It does say 8 degrees. I'm hopful that Jackson (about 150 miles South of us) might be a couple degrees 'warmer.' But we had to run this morning because clearly it was mandatory that we do a trial run in our race day outfits. I had planned on wearing my cutest of cute running outfits since it is The Big Day after all. And for the The Big Day I'll see lots of people and have pictures taken and whatnot, but this weather. THIS WEATHER!...has made me have to through fashion to the wayside and dress up like the Michelin Man for The Big Day. So we donned layer upon layer of moisture-wicking goodness and set out for a quick 4-miler. It went well. And even though my toes were numb to begin with, they thawed out after about a mile and a half. That, and the perpetual flow of snot coming from my nose, were the only obsticles. So I think we'll be good to go on Saturday! I am excited and READY TO RUN!
I wanted to talk about another thing I have to look forward to this weekend.
Take a look at this hunky guy: What a looker, right? And he's sweet to boot. THIS MAN, *my husband,* the second-smartest man in the world (the first smartest man being the man that raised him to be so smart and sweet), has given me a Christmas present sent straight from heaven. Get this....on Sunday after we get home from Jackson a woman is coming to my house to give me an hour-long massage. YES ladies, an In-Home Massage.
This woman comes with her table and her oils and her hot stones and her dreamy music and her freakishly strong hands and gives massages in people's homes and she's coming to MINE on Sunday. I cannot convey how excited I am for this. See, in Tunica, there are no spas or salons. So to get a massage you have to drive 30 minutes to the spa, get your massage, then drive 30 minutes back, thus making for a not-so-relaxing experience. But when she comes to your house, you just get your massage, stumble around the corner, put your Snuggie on, turn on When Harry Met Sally, and crawl in bed. At least that's what I'm gonna do.
I'm sure there will come a time around mile 9 or 10 when the thought of this experience will be the only thing on my mind, encouraging me to cross that finish line. So the moral of the story is everyone should go out and get themselves a husband like mine because he's AWESOME (if you don't already have one, that is. If you already have one just stick with the one you've got). I found him in Nashville, but I'm sure you can get them in other cities all over the country.

Weight Watchers Update: I just got back from my weigh-in and I lost 2 pounds! My WW leader says that's perfect because they suggest you lose 1-2 pounds per week. So I'm down to 168. Now that I am out of the 170's my daily point value will drop a point. That will be an adjustment but I can do it, because obviously I can do anything I put my mind to. :)
In closing, please PRAY FOR ME THIS WEEKEND! Like I said, I am excited but nervous. Any positive vibes and prayers will help!

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