Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's Resolution Time!

I have lots to share today! That, and the fact that I have to work until like midnight tonight will result in a nice long post. I work at a casino so obviously NYE is one of our biggest nights of the year. I figure if you have to work on New Year's Eve, you might as well work at a party hot spot, right? It could be worse....
So anyway, I wanted to share some pictures I took about a week ago on a solo 6 mile run. This was the shortly after Bex ran the Half Marathon, so I decided to run alone one morning at around 6:30am. A while back I had posted that all you City Mice should be jealous of the running scenery I get to look at on every single run! So I finally took some pictures and wanted to share with you our sleepy little Delta town that I am quickly falling in love with:

This is the intersection of River Road and School Street...the two main drags! Can you see the lit Christmas stars on the telephone poles?
This is the Court House on School Street....again, decorated for Christmas

Here we are coming down the road where the private school, Tunica Academy is located. It was foggy this morning, but aren't the colors in the sky great?

Uh-oh, speed limit is only 20 miles per hour! I better slow down! :)

The sun rising over the trees at TA...see that white streak in the sky? As I took this picture I wondered where that plane was going, and who was on it.

This is one of my favorites...that big orange ball coming up over Tunica County! Rise and Shine!

This is our downtown park. Isn't it cute? The Main Street Society does a great job of decorating for the holidays, don't they? I love this park because there is a track around it. Four times around is a mile.

And one of the most lovely things in downtown Tunica...our Veteran's Memorial Park.So there you have it! I feel blessed to have this to wake up to every day. It was cool watching the farms be harvested this fall. To go from green and lush and full of buds down to just pure dirt again. All from one morning to the next. This spring we will get to see them grow again, maybe I'll post more pictures then. If you would love to see more pictures of Tunica and the surrounding Delta towns, this is a great website.

Weight Watchers Update: We weighed in yesterday and I lost 1.5 pounds! So I'm down to 170. I was pleased considering I actually lost weight over the Christmas holiday. I am eager to see what I can do when I really get to it this week! No excuses now!

Okay, so down to our 2010 resolutions. I have a few I'll share, but there is one last big one that I'm waiting to share with you. I'll explain why later. When my dad makes his resolutions he does something kind of cool...he calls it The Five F's. The Five F's are Fitness, Finance, Family, Faith, and Fun. He makes at least one resolution for each of the Five F's. So I thought I'd give it a shot:

Fitness 2010

  1. Run two Half-Marathons. One in January (only 10 days away!), and one in December
  2. Committ to Weight Watchers for *a minimum* of 10 weeks
  3. Lose 20 pounds as a result of #1 and #2

Finance 2010

  1. Get our finances to a place where we will feel comfortable starting a family (don't get excited...the Tom Withers family probably will not increase until some time in 2011). This means paying off our credit card AND accumulating enough savings equal to 12 months worth of fixed expenses.

Family 2010

  1. Since ours is a happy family of two, I'm not sure what to resolve to do for the 'Family' category. I guess just to grow each day as a couple, and as a team.
  2. I often find myself laying down to go to bed at night and thinking, 'I did not even kiss my husband today.' Life can just get in the way, you know? So I always shake Tom and say, 'Oh! I forgot to kiss you today!' He always snickers at this, but I know he secretly loves it. So I think I'll resolve to kiss my husband every day in 2010 no matter how mad he might make me. :)
  3. Send birthday cards to my extended family.
  4. Spend more time babysitting my precious neice, Lilly!

Faith 2010

  1. Tom and I have stuggled with finding a home church in Tunica where we feel comfortable and welcomed. This is probably my most important resolution...for us to find a home church nearby and attend regularly.
  2. I will resolve to grow closer to God and become a vehicle for Him and His Word.
  3. I will become more patient with my everyday life and not focus on the negative.

Fun 2010

  1. Take at least one vacation with Tom...somewhere we have never been together. We went to San Francisco and Napa on our honeymoon and had the. best. time. Every day we did something tourist-y and fun. I would love to take another awesome trip like that with him. I am thinking skiing in Telluride, snorkling in Mexico, somewhere wonderful where we can have a fun experience together.
  2. Go kayaking. I don't care where or when but at some point I want to do it. Tom and I have talked many times about it, but have done nothing about it! 2010 is the year!
  3. Go camping with friends.

That's all for now I guess. Do you think 14 resolutions is enough?! :) What are your resolutions for this year? Do you tend to keep your resolutions or do they wind up becoming empty promises? I find that if I set small-short-term goals to my resolutions they are more likely to actually be KEPT!

How are all of you going to spend the first day of 2010? I am going to kick off the New Year by running 12 miles in the morning. So while all of you are warm and hungover in your sweet little beds, think of me sweatin' it out for a long two hours and twenty-something minutes!

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