Thursday, December 17, 2009

Healthy Holidays

So the whole purpose of this blog is to track my progress during my half-marathon training. But with training for any sport comes nutrition as well. What we put into our bodies is just as important as the activities we engage in to stay healthy. Although I have posted a few figure-friendly recipes over the last few weeks (one more in this post), I need yall to understand that I am a very bad (and I mean like VERY BAD) eater. Okay, and drinker. I love my wine, what can I say? Also, it doesn't help that I am happily married to a wonderful man who loves my cooking, and loves to eat. One of our favorite things to to together is cook and eat. And eat some more. So I suffer from the age-old problem of "I-just-got-married-and-now-I-can-stop-looking-for-Mr.-Right-and-let-myself-go-because-he-loves-me-and-always-will." It's a problem I'm CERTAIN other newlyweds have as well.

I heard a saying once...."Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." A likely story. Are you trying to tell me that there is something better than the taste of freshly delivered pizza? Or those Ched-R Peppers and Route 44 Cherry Limeade from Sonic when you are way hungover? Or those two (or three, or four, or if you're me, five sometimes) glasses of chardonnay at a girl's night? Gimme a break. Nothing can be better. Well, I am beginning to think something can be better than the above mentioned delicacies. That something being a size 8. Or even a size 6. Or no matter your dress size, simply looking good NAKED. Am I right, ladies? I think I am.

So that being said, I have decided to embark on an additional challenge. I am joining Weight Watchers at my place of employment. Where I work, we have a WW Club, and this is how it works:
You simply sign up for a five-week session and write a check for $55. The club meets every Wednesday. At the meetings, they supply you with all things Weight Watchers. Point values, recipes, exercises, ideas for healthy living, etc. Also at each meeting, you weigh in. It's a great support system, and a great motivation...getting up on that scale each week in front of everyone! And here's the best part: If you lose a measly 2.5 pounds in 5 weeks, the company pays for it. Hence, they just rip up that $55 check and you get your health & new svelt figure for FREE! Does your company do anything like this? It is a win/win for everyone because healthy employees=less sick leave and better insurance discounts! If your place of employment does not already have something like this set in place, why not talk to your boss and suggest somthing? Just a thought. So anywa.....the only downside to our Weight Watchers Club is that the first meeting is next Wednesday, December 23. Who's crazy idea was THAT? Asking us to start WW two days before Christmas (a.k.a. one of the Best Eating Days of the Year). O-well, it is what it is.

So I will keep you posted on any progress. During this training process, I have noticed a difference in my body. I don't know if I've lost actual pounds (haven't been weighing myself, just tracking my progress by distance), but I can tell my body is stronger and leaner. I have gained a significant amount of muscle mostly in my core and lower body, and my clothes are slightly looser. It's like everything has just shifted and tightened. Which is a good thing. I can only imagine what a knock-out I'll be once I bring the good eating into the equation! Jessica Alba, eat your heart out.

Here is another easy healthy weeknight vegetable recipe. I tried it out last night on Tom and his dad and they loved it!
8 large carrots, washed and peeled (use approx. 2 carrots per person)
2 yellow squash (or 1 squash per person)
1 bundle of asperagus
1/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
4 cloves minced garlic
salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350. Chop vegetables into bite-size peices. Disgard the very ends of the asperagus...they can be tough and wood-y to eat. Toss vegetables in olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper. Spread evenly on a cookie sheet (might want to line your cookie sheet with wax paper just for easy clean-up). Roast for 15-20 minutes. Voila! So easy, yes? Get creative with your veggies and try others.

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