Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Git it Gurl

So after my little pity-party-boo-hoo post last week I am feeling much better this week. Reba has not run with me since then, but I'll explain why in another post because I'm waiting on some pictures (the suspense is killing you, I know).

On Monday Bex and I did 5 miles. Had to walk like almost a mile in the middle. Just wasn't feelin' it. But this morning it was like 28 degrees and we busted out 7 miles like it was nothin'. So awesome. For some reason we were just feeling so much better and so ready to run. I am learning that when there are hurdles and you feel like you just can't do anymore, if you push through that wall you can do anything! So we were really happy with ourselves, and ready to do a long run of 9 or 10 miles on Friday. I'm happy to say (for lack of a better term) I've gotten my groove back!

So the countdown as begun...only 22 days until The Big Day. Three of those days being Christmas, New Years Eve, and New Years day when, let's face it, the idea of distance running will probably not be on my priority list. But I can do it! I'm ready!

ps....thanks Erri and Allison for your encouragment! Y'all are sweet....

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