Monday, December 28, 2009

The Final Countdown

I hope everyone had a great holiday! I have not blogged in some time (I know yall have been waiting with bated breath) because of all the holiday craziness. Over my mini-break for Christmas I did absolutly NO running but was able to get back at it yesterday with Bex by my side. We did a quick 5-miler. Although I thoroughly enjoyed being holed up with my mom and aunt watching movies and drinking wine all weekend, it was nice to get back in the groove. I loved returning to the cold bright outdoors of the Delta! And of course it didn't hurt that I was able to try out many of my Christmas gifts! I looked like an Under Armour ad, and I think the clothes made me run faster and farther (thanks Mom!). We had a great run considering how long of a break we'd taken. We ran an 11 minute mile the whole way which is right on track. So here is our plan for the week. This week will be our last long run before the Big Day! Only 11 days left!
  • Sunday: 5 miles - check!
  • Tuesday: 8 miles - yikes!
  • Wednesday: 10 miles - ouch!
  • Friday: 12 miles - YOWZA!
  • Saturday/Sunday: Rest

So that is the plan for now. I will feel very comfortable if I can run a 12 miler a week before Race Day. Race Week we will just do two quick but short runs probably on Tuesday and Thursday, then rest until Saturday. Wish me luck! This is the final countdown!!

In addition to NOT running all week, I also did NOT abide to all rules de la Weight Watchers. I mean, what do they expect, getting us started the week of Christmas? Whatev. I don't feel bad about it. I had a great time eating and drinking and eating and eating and eating with my family all week. But now it is down to business I suppose. So on Saturday (12/26) I began recording my points simply to see where I fall in regards to What I'm Eating vs. What I SHOULD Be Eating. And let me tell you it was not good. According to the Weight Watchers gods, I am supposed to eat 23 points per day (if you are unfamiliar with how the Weight Watchers points systems works, click HERE).

They calculate this number by age, weight, height, how you spend most of your day, your yearly income, popularity, credit score, political views, etc. Anyway, per my calculations on Saturday and Sunday I was doubling this number. As in, I was eating like 40-50 points per day, when I'm supposed to be eating 23. Hello, HEFFER! So clearly to begin leading a healthier lifestyle I do need to *bring it on down now.* So today I am consciencely counting and recording my points. So far I have eaten 13 points after having breakfast and lunch. So I am allowed 10 more points for a snack and dinner. We'll see how that goes. I gotta tell you, I'm pretty hungry. I am fighting with that hairy shapeless orange Hunger Monster you see on all the WW commercials. Yes, he is real. The Hunger Monster Lives.Each week we will weigh in. My starting weight was 171.5. I will try to update yall each Wednesday after the weigh-in so I will be held accountable for my progress!

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