Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tunica: Sad News

Well, you may have noticed that there has been a slight change to the blog. That is because I have some slightly sad news to share. My great friend and partner-in-blogging, Caitlin, has decided to blog no more. Therefore, I am goin' out on my own, people! This blog is mine all mine now. As many of you know, Caitlin is in grad school, working part-time, and has a really cute boyfriend, all of which are very time-consuming. A busy girl such as herself simply does not have enough hours in the day to devote to this little 'ole blog. So with that being said, I have changed the name of the blog and URL (I say 'I changed,' I had to get Caitlin's said cute boyfriend to help me do it) to I figure this is more appropriate since Nashville is no longer part of the equation. I am sad that she will post-no-more because her posts were always witty, funny, and informative, as well as full of funny web photos. So Caitin, know that you and your writing skills will be missed.

Don't fret...she wont be gone completely...I will update you periodically on how Caitlin and Ben are progressing on their runs, as I hope parting from the blog will not effect their running schedule. Caitlin and I have been friends since we were like, four years old and during the past 20+ years we have participated in many sports together. Those sports included but were not limited to slow-pitch softball (go Diamonds!), fast-pitch softball (go Rebs....we may have had a losing record but we were by far the prettiest team in Knox County...and Blount County for that matter), basketball, volleyball (come on now, who can forget the Webb Middle School Spartans). She has always been ever so slightly more athletically-advanced than myself, so I know if I can do it, SHE CAN DO IT! So get to runnin' girl. Just think, 'If Laura can do it, I can do it.' And you'll feel motivated.

So long...farewell...auf wiedersehen...good-bye...

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