Friday, December 11, 2009


(notice I no longer have to put "Tunica:" in front of each post title since I am the only city involved now.) So this week is the first week after Bex Half Marathon, and she has understandably decided to take a break from all things fitness. I think she has made a couple trips to the gym, but other than that there hasn't been much happening on the running front. I knew she was going to take a week off, so I had planned to run with an interum partner until her return. That interum partner being my oh-so-entergetic and beautiful daughter, Reba the Retriever. I mean, look at her. What's not to love, right? Right.
Let me be clear that Reba is a dog of many talents (these talents include but are not limited to: sitting, speaking, laying down, dancing, getting on the couch...seriously, if you say "Reba get on the couch!" she'll do it.....chasing tennis balls/squirrels/chew toys/ham bones/chunks of concrete or hard dirt, 'giving love' love=jumping on you and trying to bite your hand off....etc.). One of these talents is not walking on the leash. Like all curious one-year-old-70-pound dogs, she is a CrazyTrain on the leash. Lurching then jerking, then running calmly beside you for about 2.5 seconds until taking off like a bolt of lighting in persuit of what she thinks might be a tennis ball/squirrel/chew toy/ham bone/chunk of concrete or hard dirt. Needless to say she is not easy to run with for an extended distance. However, after a few times around the block with the world's second greatest invention the Choke Collar (first greatest invention being the Sports Bra), she was an old pro! Now please don't leave me some angry comment about how Choke Collars are inhumane or something. They aren't. They are necessary. And trust me, they don't hurt her physically, just hurt her feelings basically. So nothing you can say will tear me away from my Choke Collar.
Anyhow, after a little training I decided she was ready to go for a run with me on Monday afternoon. We struggled a little starting out (lurching, jerking, etc.). But in Reba's defense, the stretch of road that we started out on was lined with fenced-in Chiuauas and Labs barking violently at the sight/smell of another dog nearby. Also, it was about 2:30 in the afternoon so it was like Noisy Public School Bus Central on our route. Clearly it took a little getting used to, but about 7 minutes into our run she was trotting along beside me with the control of a Seeing Eye Dog and determination that would be Westminster-worthy. Such a proud puppy she was! And let me tell you she made it all four miles with ease and grace. And as we turned the corner onto our street, with our house in sight, she picked up the pace as if she knew we were on the home stretch, grinning from ear to ear (don't Goldens always look like they're smiling?). So sweet. I will have to take her with me again soon.
Although I am oh-so-pleased with Reba's running performance, I am sad to say I've been feeling a little defeated and deflated this week. I have not run since Monday's been so cold? Oh, who am I kidding. I just haven't felt like it, OKAY?! But I'm stressed by my lack of running because my Half-Marathon is right around the corner. I think I am just feeling a little burnt-out and over it to be honest. We all have our moments, and I guess this week has just been one long 'moment' for me. What with the holidays, the lack of my partner Bex, my house is disarray and under construction....I mean, even the finale of the Biggest Loser didn't get me up and at 'em this week. Pitiful. So I need your encouragment/prayers/positive thoughts/advice/ideas/help/compliments (heavy on the compliments, please) even more this week! Any and all advice (and compliments) are welcome and helpful, please and thank you.

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