Wednesday, December 22, 2010

'Tis the Seasons for Traditions

I am officially on 'Christmas break,' how 'bout you?

Remember back in the (school) day when you had like three weeks (or in college it was four for us) off from school and all sense of obligation and responsibility? Up late partying with friends by night, sleeping late and watching Home Alone by day.

Wheeeeeeew....those were the days.

Nowadays, in Adultland 2010, Christmas break is comprised of four teeny tiny days. 96 measly hours of free time. But oh well, I'll take it.

Tonight begins my Christmas break. Presents under the tree, wrapped and ready for giving, fridge stocked for company, wine chilled for chatting over, house clean and decorated, and husband snoozing calmly on the couch (read: snoring SO FREAKIN' LOUD I had to turn my Law and Order: SVU up just to hear what Liv and Elliot were arguing over. Seriously.)

But best of all: my mommy arrives tomorrow. All is well in the world.

This year will be the fourth Christmas Tom and I will spend together.

Christmas #1 (2007), we were newly engaged, all stupid and googly-eyed. My gift from him was the most gorgeous diamond engagement ring that has ever graced this earth. And mine to him was two rocking chairs for his front porch. Gimme some credit...there was no way I could compare with this ring! Rocking chairs were as close as it was gonna get.

The two Christmases since then (2008 and 2009) have been spent as a married couple, still stupid and googly eyed, as well as making our own traditions to celebrate such a blessed holiday.

So, since I know you totally care how I'll be spending the next three days, here we are with our Christmas traditions....

The weeks leading up to Christmas are just like any other good 'ole middle class American family. Lots of shopping, wrapping, shipping, cooking, and of course, seeing the Big Guy himself:

Lilly at 10 months old with Aunt La la and a (post hunting) Uncle Tom, right after visiting Santa for the first time!

A couple of days before Christmas my mom comes to town. Last year my Aunt Lynda joined her and we just just had the best time showing her around Tunica!

On Christmas Eve, we go to the Christmas Eve service at church, and then to a party at a cousin's house. It is full of good food, drink, a live pianist, lots of cheery is like a real live Christmas carol over there!

On Christmas Eve we also try to get a good family picture of us Withers, so my MIL can send out a Happy New Year card. Something like this is what we wound up with last year:

Aaaaaaaand then we take a bunch more because it's not every day we're together like this!

After spending the evening with family and friends, and after a good night's rest, it's time for the REAL DEAL.
Usually on Christmas morning, Tom and I will go duck hunting. Last year it rained so we didn't go. But this year IT IS ON.
Please understand that this is pretty much the only day of the year when I am filled with the Christmas spirit enough to get out of bed at 5:30 am only to put on three layers of clothes that are too big for me (and totally not my color), travel by boat to a shed in the middle of the lake to sit, wait, and finally watch my husband shoot flying birds out of the air.
But, like I say, it is Christmas after all. And I'm filled with the spirit. That, and the promise of coffee and cinnamon rolls once I brave the elements and the wilderness.
Sorry I don't' have any pictures to share but don't you worry....I'm sure there will be some after Saturday!
After the duck hunt, Tom, my mom and I will open presents at home. Tom and I wear our red matching union suites. Don't ask me why. We just do. It's funny and Christmas-y, okay?

Reba always gets in on the action, too. Look how little she looks in this picture! My baby's growing up.....
After we open our presents at our house, we go to my in-laws to meet up with the rest of the family. There, we all sit in a circle with our little pile of presents and open them one by one.....
And it takes forever but it's always so neat to see what everyone gets and gives....and to see the fun and surprised look on each other's faces when we open gifts. I love doing it this way, although I'm sure once Lilly (and her future brothers/sisters/cousins) gets bigger, the Christmas present opening will turn into a free-for-all!

My FIL looks bored in this must have been just about time for lunch.
After the present revelry, it's time for Christmas lunch. Afterwards, we usually watch a DVD of that year's Egg Bowl (aka Ole Miss vs. Mississippi State football game). Yes, that is proof of this family's affinity for MSU football...instead of watching live football, we watch a DVD of a past game.
It's always a Merry Christmas for us, because we have so much to be thankful for, and to celebrate.
My prayer for you and your families is that you'll have a wonderful Christmas day, and take time to focus on what God has blessed you with this year!!!

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