Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I titled this post 'Zzzzzzz...' because that's all I feel like doing these days!

I promise I'll be back later this week with a complete Christmas post but these past few days have been RUFF STUFF for little ole me!

I have had a super special case of crazy sinuses all weekend. Seriously, I feel like there is concrete in my nose. I didn't let dampen my Christmas spirit, but the day after Christmas I totally crashed.

I am back at work this week, feeling a little better but not 100%. I try not to blog too much at work, and when I'm home at night all I want to do is hunker down with Reba and Tom and do nothing at all. But I promise I'll be back in full force later this week!

I am also looking forward to feeling better so I can get back in the gym and back into a more regular workout routine. I am so ready for a good sweat after taking so much time off after the half-marathon.

I don't know what my next training event will be. I'm still trying to decide what's next for me!

Hope you all had a great holiday and thanks for being patient while I get back into the swing of things!

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