Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gibson Guitar 5K

Hey Friends....

Happy Hump Day. Hope you are having a lovely week!

Over the weekend I did the Gibson Guitar 5K. It was such a fun race! I actually went up to Memphis all by my lonesome to do this one because my company was one of the sponsors so I 'had to go for work.' heh heh.

I'll apologize in advance for no pictures. I had intended to take my camera on the course but decided against it at the last minute. You'll see why I'm glad I didn't take it!

As I went to pick up my number and swag bag, I noticed that the sky was getting a little darker and it was obviously cooler than it had been all day. Around 6:45pm, all the race participants were gathered at the start line, which was on the corner of Beale Street and 2nd Avenue in Memphis. This course goes along Beale Street, weaves through Downtown Memphis a little, goes along the river, and back just one block past Beale, where the finish line is. It is fun to start the race with all the bar hoppers and blues travelers cheering you on along Beale Street!

So anyway, they said a prayer and began the National Anthem. By now there was a very cool breeze and a covering of dark clouds had settled in over the city. As the words, "...and the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air..." were sung, and HUGE BOOM of thunder erupted in the sky, followed by a small flicker of lighting. Everyone cheered and laughed at the timing of everything. Right as the start gun went off, the bottom dropped out.

I'm talking about a DOWNPOUR. The thunder and lightning did not continue, I think the bad part of the storm went North of us, and we were just left with rain, rain, and more rain! I have never run a race of any distance in any amount of rain. And boy did it rain. The entire 3.1 miles it POURED.

I loved it, though! I felt so hard-core, running through inclement weather. I just pumped up my Lady Gaga "Born This Way" on my iPod and OWNED that rain! Ha!

I took two walk breaks, which I was a little disappointed with. I think I got so excited at the beginning what with the thunder and the spectators and the smell of ribs and barfunk in the air, and the Lady Gaga that I burned out a little early.

I walked at mile 1.3 and 2.5 for a total of 1/3 of a mile. Like I say, I was a little disappointed but it's okay. My official finish time was 33:03. But my Garmin said 3.1 miles before the finish line, and my time at that point was 32:02. Either way, these times didn't thrill me.

I know I should not get down on myself but I have not run over a 31-minute 5K in a long time. I hate to compare myself to my former self, but I do. While I am proud of myself for completing a race, I still feel like I have a lot of room to improve. Like, a WHOLE lot of room. :)

I'll have a chance to improve that time this coming weekend at the
Memphis Civitan 5K this Saturday. Bex and I have recruited our friend Kristi to run it with us, and I am really looking forward to it! I promise to be better with pictures this time.

Weight Watchers Update:
First I want to say that the weight I am trying to lose is pure vanity weight. If you are reading this, and feel like you are overweight, please do not compare yourself to me. Only compare yourself to YOU and how you feel in your own body. I know a lot of bloggers are against publishing their weight because it risis self-image issues, but I choose to publish my weight for ME and for no one else. My reasons for sharing my weight, my weight loss updates is purely for my own accountability, and because I know that Erica really likes hearing about my Weight Watchers. :)

So again, these numbers are purely for me and my body, so please keep this in mind when you are doing your own weight loss/healthy living thang.

So my starting weight this go-round is 165 (in case you're wondering, my starting weight when I originally started WW back in
December 2009 was 171.5). I have found that I am most comfortable, and feel the best when I am in the 150-155 range. I was there last summer for quite some time, and really want to get to that place again. For me, this is a size 6 or 8 in most things. I am curring wearing a size 6 or 8 in most things but don't look or feel quite so cute. LOL

My goal for this week was to 1.) count points every day. Which I did. And 2.) lose 1.5 pounds. Which I did not. I stayed the same.

But there is a little hiccup here. Our Weight Watchers leader had to use a different scale this week. So instead of her usual Weight-Watcher-Endorsed-Digital scale that we weighed on last week, we were weighed on an old-school analog know, the mechanical kind like you see at the grocery store in the produce section. heh heh.

So I'm not sure how reliable that scale was. I know that I am really proud of myself for working out 4 days this week (listed below), and for counting points every meal, every day. And I know that I am feeling leaner and stronger, probably simply a result of all the loads and loads of fruits and veggies I've been eating. So I have to believe that change is taking place, even if it wasn't reflected on the scale today.

No biggie. I'll just focus this week and look forward to a successful weigh-in next week!

Weekly Workouts June 9-15:

  • Thursday ran 1 mile, walked 1 mile. Wasn't really feelin' it.

  • Saturday: Ran Gibson Guitar 5K

  • Monday: Farm Run 3.6 miles with Bex

  • Wednesday: Town Run 4 miles with Bex

Weekly Goals June 16-22:

  • Count points every day

  • Lose 2 pounds

  • Work in at least two strength-training workouts

Have a great week everyone!

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