Friday, June 24, 2011


Good Morning Everyone! Happy Friday to you! The weekend's a mere 8 hours away, and what a relief that is!

Today I was going to post about summer fashion and colors, but that will have to wait until next week. Because this morning I have much more pressing matters to talk about: Kelly's Korner Show Us Your Life: SINGLES is today!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with this, Kelly does a linky party where you can link up and talk about different life topics. This is the third time she has done SINGLES (everyone posts about a single friend in their life), and there is already one marriage, one engagement, and five serious relationships that have formed as a result. So cool, right? It's like Blogger Internet Dating only without the creepers.

Last time I showcased my mom, Helen Frazier, and this time I wanted to talk up my sister MYRA! Her stats and pictures are below....

Age: 30
Location: Nashville, TN
Occupation: Association Event Planner, Friend, Aunt, Daughter, all of which she is very good at. :)
What she's like (in her words):
"I love music. I like to dance. I love to travel and experience new things. I love to be on the water, be it lake, river, ocean, or creek. I find it to be healing. I like to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie as much as I like to get dressed up and go out on the town. I like good conversations, playing tennis, working out, and spending time with my friends. I have lots of friends. They are like family to me. I have a good job and am in a good place. I'd like to find someone who is in a good place."

I have lived in Nashville for 9 years so it feels like home. However, you should know that I am originally from the Mississippi Delta and those roots run deep, too. My whole family still lives there and we are very close...but not creepy close. ha!

What she's looking for:

I'm looking for someone who makes me laugh, someone who is social, cultured, likes the country but can make the most of the city. Someone who loves children. Someone who loves Jesus. Someone who is open to something real.

For Fun: Sitting on my patio with wine, and music, and friends, going out to pubs (<---NOT clubs) working out, being on the water, going to the movies, among other things.

Favorite things: Pineapple. Corn on the cob. Boating. Magic Hour.* Music---all kinds---specifically bands with horns, a harmonica, a mandolin, a banjo, washboard, fiddle, or anything in the folk/bluegrass genre.

*Magic hour is that hour in the day, on the beach, right before the sun goes down when all the families go in for dinner and it is still, quiet, and hazy on the beach. Magic hour is the perfect time to have a drink in your beach chair and finish that book you can't put down.

So that's the lowdown on MYRA! I have to tell yall that I love Myra so very much. She is my sister-in-law, but I feel like she is my sister-for-real. I was so blessed to meet and marry a great man like Tom, but what an icing on the cake to have TWO sisters who treat me like I have been in their family since day one. When Myra and I are together (and Sara Whit, too, for that matter) we can have fun going out to a fancy fun dinner, or laying on the couch watching Lifetime movies. Wherever we are, we always end up laughing until our stomachs ache!

In MY words, Myra is hilarious, outgoing, beautiful inside and out, headstrong, independent, family-oriented, dependable, not-so-great-driver, great hostess, creative, classy, and just plain FUN!!

If anyone is interested in Myra please leave a comment or email me at laurawithers2011 at gmail dot com.

Happy Friday Everyone, looking forward to seeing the singles in your life!

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