Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Weight Watchers and Workouts

Happy Hump Day Everyone!

Today is a very special day because y'all remember my good neighbor friends Erin and John Allen? The good neighbor friends who were expecting TWIN BOYS!?! Well, I got a text message this morning bright and early, saying that Erin's water had broken and she was delivering the twins this morning!!!

Her original C-section was not scheduled until July 18th, but all is well even though the babies are 3 1/2 weeks early. John Allen called Tom at about 8:00 this morning to tell him that one of the babies is 5 lbs 6 oz, and the other is 4 lbs 11 oz, and both are healthy and great and wonderful and perfect! Ahhhhhhhh! So exciting! By the way can you believe that little Erin was carrying around 10 pounds of baby inside of her??!?! Pregnancy and childbirth still totally baffles me.

So anyway, that is the exciting news of the morning that I had to share first and foremost. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow we will go visit them and I can report back with pictures.

Speaking of pictures, I had a whole bunch edited and ready to go, but alas our home internet is not working because we are between cable companies right now. So no pictures today, hopefully by Friday I will be able to get them uploaded.

Okay now, down to business. Let's recap this week's workouts, shall we?

Weekly Workouts:
Friday: Gym workout with TOM! Loved having him there! Tom is going on a huge-once-in-a-lifetime-10-day-wilderness-hunting-camping-trip later in the fall. It will involve lots of hiking and walking and climbing and all kinds of things that are more physically demanding than what he is used to. So he is trying to get his cardio endurance turned up a notch.

So after work on Friday I went to the gym and started out with 20 minutes on the elliptical, and moved to a sprint workout on the treadmill. When I was about 5 minutes into it, Tom joined me and I did a total of 40 minutes on the treadmill, followed by Cocktail Dress Arms.

It was so fun having him there! I loved our little gym-date and hope we can do it again sometime. I was really proud and impressed with his ability and attitude, especially since he has not really worked out since...well, since I've known him.

Tom's job is often physically demanding, and he does a lot of yard work and heavy lifting around the house, so he is in fairly good shape. But there's room for improvement in all of us, no? :)

Monday: 25 minutes on treadmill (walking for warm up and cool down, with 2 fast miles in the middle), followed by 20 minutes on the bike.

Tuesday: 4 mile run with Bex and Kristi. This run was so. freakin. hot. I cannot even begin to explain how sweaty I was when we finished. It took me like half an hour just to cool down.

Wednesday (today): Today is where I get disappointed in myself. I had plans to go to the gym, and get in my fourth and final workout of the week, and totally bailed. It did not help that Tom woke up sick in the middle of the night, kept me up for almost two hours moaning about a stomach ache and asking me did I poison his dinner. But that's no excuse.

On my way in to work this morning I was getting really down on myself, telling myself how lazy I am, how I'm never going to lose that 10 pounds by Beach Week, how I probably haven't lost an ounce since last WW Weigh-in, how I probably gained 2.5 pounds and am back where I started...the negative self-talk was through the roof this morning.

And I thought..."You know what? NO." No more of this negative self-talk. No more of this beating myself up because I don't count every single tiny little calorie or get in as many workouts as I'd like. Just stop it. I may not be training for an exciting event, and I may not the size I'd like to be, and I may not be able to get out of bed for every workout I plan, but I'm trying and that's all that matters. I need to just focus on what I am doing, not on what I'm NOT doing.

So there you have it. A very honest view of my weekly workouts. :)

Weight Watchers Update: I'm up 1/2 pound from last week. Grrrrrrr....I don't want to talk about it.

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