Friday, June 10, 2011

Summer Shenanigans

Hey Bloggies...Happy Friday to you!
I had to include this picture...just because it's too adorable not to.

What's on your weekend agenda? I am thrilled because I worked last weekend, and have this weekend off with very little planned.

Tom and I have a Home-Date tonight. Do y'all ever plan a 'Home-Date?' Since we live in the Middle of Nowhere, USA we often plan Home-Dates. It is kind of hard to go on for-real dates where we live...there are only two or three restaurants to choose from. And if we want to venture into the 'big city' one of us has to abstain from drinking because we have to drive thirty minutes home. Not that we are big boozers on our dates, but it's nice to enjoy a glass of wine or something when you're with your beloved, am I right?

SO ANYWAY, our Home Date tonight will consist of a yummy dinner (I'm thinking summer salmon and a yummy salad) and a movie on the couch, most likely. We just got a Blockbuster Box in Tunica and let me tell you it excited me as much as the idea of winning the lottery.

I love it.

I love it like a squirrel loves nuts.

Like a fat kids loves cake.

You get the picture.

$1 gets you the DVD of your choice for 24 hours! Can't beat it.

SO ANYWAY, I wanted to share this funny conversation concerning our movie choice for our home date. This will give you a chuckle for those of you who know Tom, IRL.

The other night we were watching TV and a commercial/preview for 'Cars 2' came on. In this particular preview, there is an exchange between the old tow truck character (sorry I don't know his name in the movie...but he's played by Larry the Cable Guy) and "Lightning McQueen" (the main character played by Owen Wilson) and we could. not. stop. laughing. We have been quoting it since we saw it. Two thirty-year-olds quoting a cartoon movie.

Tom: "John says that 'Cars' is a really good movie even though it's a cartoon! He says it is HILARIOUS. We should watch it!" (John is a friend of ours who obviously has small children and a reason to watch a movie about the trials and tribulations of animated, talking vehicles.)

Laura (always in favor of movie night): "Ok."

Tom: "I mean, we definitely need to see 'Cars 1' before we see 'Cars 2.'

Laura: "I have a feeling that even if we see 'Cars 2' without seeing 'Cars 1' we might still be able to follow the story line."

Tom: *stares at Laura blankly*

So it looks like we'll be watching Disney's 2009 masterpiece on our Home Date tonight.

Tomorrow night I am going to Memphis to run in the Gibson Guitar 5K. Where I am pretty sure it's going to be hot as blue blazes. But that's okay. I am going into this run with very low expectations of my time, and just going to enjoy it. You can see last year's race recap here.

In other news...I have a big announcement to make...hold on to your hats....


Yes, it's true. I am back in action with the good ole WW.

Since I lost all that weight last year, I have put about 10 pounds of it back on. And I refuse to buy all new bathing suits, shorts, and summer dresses, so I need to get rid of those pesky 10 ell-bees! I want to look like the pictures in this post again. My goal is to lose it by July 20th, which is the week we go to the beach with the family this year. So...I know a couple of you (ahem...Erica) will be excited to hear that I'll be posting weekly updates again this year. Expect the first one to be up next Wednesday. Wish me luck!

Because I know you want to see are some more pics of every one's favorite 2-year-old....LILLY WHIT!

Lilly was the flower girl in a wedding a couple of weeks ago, and we all traveled to Starkville to see Lilly's wedding debut. The actual execution of her flower girl duties didn't exactly go as planned, but I'll let y'all read about that on Sara Whit's blog in the next couple of days.

Lilly and Mama getting ready. I love this picture...I hope that Sara Whitten and Lilly have many more moments like these together as Lilly grows up!
In the back of the church before the wedding!

Lilly and her favorite Uncle after the ceremony.

The reception was at this awesome pimped-out barn overlooking a pond. It was so pretty and lovely! Look at that dress, would you? I think about 99% of the dresses I own cost less than this dress! But it's so worth it...she is beautiful in it!

Tom has been working hard this summer on our garden out at his parent's house. They are gracious enough to let us till up their back yard (which is about 3 acres big) in exchange for fresh veggies all summer long!

Hey! Look who it is...Tom is not too keen on having his picture taken but I snapped one anyway.

Ha! There he is again...what a looker. :)

We have green beans....




More tomatoes...

All kinds of exciting stuff. I can't wait for our first 'harvest,' and to share some home-grown recipes with y'all (<---if you asked me five years ago if I would ever utter that sentence I would have laughed at you and said, 'Quit being go tip the valet guy while I touch up my lip gloss').

So that's all of our summer shenanigans for now.

Wish me luck for tomorrow night, and pray for the heat to spare us at the 5K!

Have a great weekend, everyone!!

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