Saturday, November 7, 2009

Nashville: Enough of the Injuries!

Has this happened to anyone? You feel like you are so young but at the same time so old? I turned 27 back in September and I swear my body has fallen to pieces in the mean-time-the-in-between-time. This. Is. Whack.
For some reason unbeknownst to me, I woke up last weekend with an extreme pain in my lower back. When I stood up I felt a sharp jolt run down my right hind cheek, through my hamstring all the way to the arch of my foot. I winced in pain as my toes began to cramp and curl up. This continued to happen throughout the day and the entire week. It was hard for me to get in and out of the car, sit in my chair at class – even when I was lying down; I had to position myself just right so that I could fall asleep. It was all so painful that I didn’t run or workout. I did attempt some Yoga by one of my favorite Yogis Rodney Yee. But alas Rodney would be disappointed. The magical, mystical powers of my $8.99 Yoga DVD from Target, was no match for my body’s decision to fall apart.

To complement the right side of my body going to the can, two of my left toes decided to go numb and the bottom of my foot thought it was the perfect time to swell. I had to ice it just to relieve some of the pressure. What happened to me? Did I sleep walk into a jujitsu class? Did a merry band of magical muscle hurting elves come visit me during my hours of slumber? I can’t think of a single that happened in the waking days where I could gather such injuries. The other aspect that makes me feel like I am on a steady course straight to the nursing home is the fact that it took me all week to recover. Back in the diz-zay this #1) never would have happened and #2) wouldn’t have taken me an entire week of rest to make me feel better. And you know what else folks??? I’ve had enough. Enough I say!

I’m done with the foot injury, lower back pain, neck/shoulder injury and H1N1 (see blog entry 9/11). I have had enough and I am proclaiming to everyone out there. No more injuries for this girl! My plan is to continue to rest this weekend and workout with Erica on Monday morning then start running with Benjamin Jeffrey on Tuesday. Come hell or high water I am getting back in the routine! Ben and I have also decided to take Laura’s advice and sign up for a 5k. We are running in the Habitrot on Thanksgiving morning benefitting Habitat for Humanity. We hope to see you there!

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