Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tunica: Sunshiney Day

Well, what a good blogger I am....posting two days in a row! I was just feeling thankful for this day and had some blog-worthy things to say so I decided to post again. That, combined with the fact that I am procrastinating getting back to work.

Bex and I had a great run this morning. We did 8 miles and the sun was high in the sky when we started at ten after six! I'm telling you this was one gorgeous morning. GAW-GOSS. Gotta love that. Having the sun in the sky certainly helps when that alarm goes off at 5:50am. It was a beautiful morning and this run just made me so thankful to live where I live. I need to post some pictures of our running route scenery. All you City Mice will be green with envy when you see what we Country Mice get to see as we go on our runs through the cotton and rice fields. Vast blue skies, miles of farm land, and plenty of fresh air.

I wanted to follow up to my blog post from yesterday. Caitlin, this one's for you. Now that you are up to about 2 or 2.5 miles, you need to sign up for a 5K. I bet Kathleen would do it with you. A 5K is 3.1 miles. Slow and steady finishes the race so just sign up, take your time, and run the whole way without stopping. It will be great for you to get some exposure to the race atmosphere because obviously it is very different than running on Tuesday morning with Ben and Sadie. Once you have done a 5K, find a 10K to sign up for. Meeting these short-term goals will make it easier for ya when you do the half-marathon. Think about it.

Tom and I were able to move back into our house last night PRAISE THE LORD. I do not do well when all of my personal belongings are in upheaval and disarray. Tom speant like 6 hours yesterday vacuuming the 1/2 inch of dust that covered every single surface of our house. Ridiculous. But well worth it...beautiful new floors, and it was so nice to sleep in my own bed and shower in my own shower! We got the master bedroom and bathroom done. Now just have to move the couch back into the TV room and a serious cleaning of the kitchen and we should be back in business on Kenny Hill Drive.

So I am pumped for another 10 miler for me this weekend! Wish me luck!

oh dang it I almost forgot!.....To send a shout-out to my sister Myra (okay she is my sister-in-law but I like to call my sis-in-laws 'Sister' because I don't have any real sisters). She is such a good blog follower, and such a good sister that she sent me an awesome birthday package! Guess what was in it.....that's right.....EMERGEN-C! Gotta love a loyal fan. Even if she is family. You can learn more about Sister by visiting her uber-witty (and uber-new) blog! She is fun and funny. You will love her.
While I'm on the subject of sister blogs, you can visit my OTHER sister's blog HERE (again, she is a sister-in-law but humor me here). Sara Whit's blog is about her unnaturally-cute-smart-and-talented daughter, Lilly. Granted Lilly is 9 months old but we are certain she is smarter and more talented than you average run-of-the-mill baby. You will love her, too.

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