Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nashville: Solo and 5K

We have been slow to post this week but we did make a nice run on Sunday morning and made it or 2.2 miles. Remember we are going from couch potato to half marathon in the matter of a few months so even these small distances help. Had to make solo runs on Tuesday morning, Caitlin keeps getting sick but I never seem too. We shall be running the Habitrot tomorrow morning before stuffing our faces with Thanksgiving goodness. This would be Caitlin's idea to make a run in the am before thanksgiving where flurries are predicted. My typical Thanksgiving consist of sleeping in until about 10 am, waking up to the smell of turkey or pie or stuffing. Getting some football info from ESPN and watching a game. That has now been destroyed by Caitlin on this fine Thanksgiving but I still love you anyway baby. Hope all have a wonderful Turkey Day.

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