Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tunica: Race for the Cure

Well, we have had a crazy and pretty counter-productive week in Tunica since the famous 10-miler back on the 23rd. Tom and I were kicked out of our house (no we did not get evicted) to have our....wait for it.....hard wood floors RE-DONE! As lovely as it sounds, and I know as lovely as it will look, it has been a giant pain in the hiney to move out of the house for a week to have these floors re-done. That being said, I did not plan well and did not pack enough running clothes (God knows where all my sports bras are right now...probably in the freezer or something) and we have been moving from a friend's house here to a family member's house there in order to not wear out our welcome in anyone's home. But finally after 5 long nights away from home we are moving back in today. Well, Tom is moving everything back in today. I am at work. Blogging. So hopefully this coming week will be better and full of lovely long runs.

Sidebar: Has anyone noticed how much easier it is to run in the mornings these days since the time has changed? I hate having to run in the dark, wee small hours of the morning. Now I don't have to!
One productive thing I did this weekend was run in the Susan G. Koman Memphis Race for the Cure. It. Was. Awesome. Everyone was waiting with baited breath until Race Day (Saturday) because up until that point we had been having Biblical Rain in Memphis and the Mid-South area. You read that right. BIBLICAL RAIN people. Biblical rain as in, build yourself an ark, bring 'em in, two by two. Forty days and Forty nights. Okay maybe not that drastic but the news did call it Biblical rain. Well, God must have been smiling down on all those cancer survivors and racers for the cure, because it was a beautiful morning on Saturday with not a cloud in the sky! Over 16,000 people turned out for a record-setting race attendance. I ran in celebration of my mama who is a five-year survivor of breast cancer! Yaaaaaay for the surviving ta-tas! :) The race was an easy, breezy, 5K (about 3.1 miles) through some pretty Germantown neighborhoods. It was a great morning and an even greater cause. I hope everyone out there who is beginning a running routine will get on the 'net and find a good fund-raising race near them.
Here is Helen Frazier...isn't she lovely?
Speaking of 5K's...if any of your blog followers are super-motivated and inspired by reading tmobnashville and want to start running on your own, there is a great 5K training program. I know many girls who have used this program to train for a 5K, and to loose baby weight. Check it out and get started TODAY not tomorrow or Monday! The name says it all....Couch to 5K....how card can it be?

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