Monday, November 9, 2009

Tunica: Another 10 Miler

Well, I'm happy to report another successful 10-mile run update. Bex and I hit the road early Saturday morning for our weekly long run. It was another beautiful morning in the Delta and we set out to do six miles first before stopping for water. We finished the first six miles at a little over an hour (lovely 11.5-12 minute mile pace) and got water at my house. Then set out to do the remaining four. We finished the entire run in 1 hour 59 minutes and 10 seconds. I had hoped to finish in under 2 hours and there you go....I met my goal by 50 whole seconds. Love it.

I felt great when we finished....a little creeky in the knees but other than that I feel good. While doing those last four miles I started thinking about the half marathon. I did my first half in Nashville and it took me 2 hours and 37 minutes. That's about a 12 minute mile pace. My goal for running the half in January is to do it in 2 and a half hours. Making it a 11.5 minute mile pace. I hope I can do it, I really do. Wish I had some advice on increasing speed for long distance runs. Any avid veteran runners out there care to contribute some wisdom on running faster for longer? Any help or advice is welcome.

On a funny note....
I was at the Kroger on Sunday afternoon. I love a Sunday afternoon grocery store trip. I really have to plan my grocery shopping because the closest legitimate grocery store is about 30 minutes away from where we live. I love getting my recipes together and forming a long wonderful list of ingredients to buy. It's like my Sunday afternoon therapy. I relish in combing through the apple bins to find the perfect fruit, I love to compare prices & ingredients of all different salad dressings, I enjoy chatting with the butcher about the best cut of steak or pork for a new recipe I'm trying. Grocery Store Sunday is like my 'me' time. I love it. I take my time. I leave in a good mood.
So this past Sunday I rolled out of bed, threw on jeans and a T-shirt and made the trek to the Hernando Kroger with 1,589-item list in hand. Let me be clear that I was sans-makeup, sans-shower, and couldn't have cared less about what I looked like.
While in the dairy section perusing the newest Limited Edition Holiday Flavor CoffeeMate Creamers, I was approached by an unusual-looking man with wild red hair wearing a suit and tie situation that could or could not have been purchased at Big Don's Costume Shop. He looked harmless enough as he smiled at me and said,

"I would be unjust if I didn't tell you that you look really good."
Insert gooby pervy smile here.
He continued by saying,
"You look like you don't have a lot of fat on your body."
Okay, that's enough, Weird-O. Move on.

I politely said thank you and continued on my merry way down the Diet Coke aisle. After I finished being thoroughly creeped out by Wild Red Hair Man, I realized that although it was a weird compliment, I'd take it. I guess the 10-milers are paying off since strangers are telling me I 'look like I don't have a lot of fat on my body.' Niice.

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