Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Feelin' Frustrated...

Frustrated does not begin to describe how I feel right now.

I just got back from Weight Watchers Weigh-in and gained a pound last week. Follow me, here, if you will:
  • Since I am on maintenance, I must stay within 2 pounds of my goal weight. Goal weight is 150, so I need to be 152 or lower in order to NOT HAVE TO PAY.
  • Today I was at 154.5. SO not even close. Therefore, I am having to pay the $55 for the very first time and I am pissed!
  • Having to pay would have been an easier pill to swallow if I had at least been close, or if I had lost and just not made my goal. But GAIN A POUND and HAVE TO PAY. Insult to injury.
  • Last week, I knew we were down to the wire so I followed the eating program to the 'T,' worked out 5 days for 90 MINUTE WORKOUTS EACH, and didn't even use up all my 'Flex Points' like I usually do.
  • And still, I am almost 5 pounds away from my goal weight.

I am just so frustrated because I feel like I worked so hard and sweated so much and now....nothing to show for it. How do I expect to ever be able to maintain 150 pounds if I can't even get there with $55 as motivation?

Soooooooo frustrating!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! I am at my desk grinding my teeth right now because I am so annoyed with this body.

And the thing is....I look fine right now. At 155. I feel fine. I am size 6 for goodness sake! But it's the simple fact that I have a goal---an attainable goal--- and I can't meet it. For me, it is more about simply acheiving a goal than anything else. Sigh.

I am thinking I need to switch it up. I have been doing the same workouts, the same run, the same sprint and swim routine for too long. I need a change to shock my body into losing those last 5 pounds!

Let the workout reasearch begin...any suggestions? I need a website, a book, a blog, a magazine, a DVD, ANYTHING that would be a good resource for a new workout routine.

Help, girls, Help!

We need to go from Laura's Summer Firm Up to Laura's Summer Switch Up. :)

Okay, enough with the pity party....

In completely unrelated news....

Remember when I told yall about the Dredded Dolly Drop Off and the camera crew that was there filming for the Animal Planet?

Well, the show that they were filming is called "Last Chance Highway," and follows the journies of dogs just like Dolly, being rescued in the South and getting sent to deserving families in the North.

Well, the people on the show, Shelly Bookwalter and Kyle Peterson were on the Today Show this morning talking about it! They said they have saved over 30,000 stray animals since the Last Chance Highway program started, and they are still going strong. I recognized Kyle as the man who took Dolly from me and put her gently into her travel crate for the trip. He was so nice and sweet to her. And me. Cause I was crying.

The show premiers this Saturday at 8pm Eastern on the Animal Planet. Since I know all yall are probably too cool to stay home on a Saturday night and watch Animal Planet, I will (probably not watch it either, but DVR it) give you a full recap next week!

Yaaaaaaaay for the Dolly-Savers!!! :)

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