Monday, June 14, 2010

Great Weekend

Omigah yall this is my 100th post! How exciting. If I had thought of it I would have had a giveaway or something. Maybe for the 150th.....

So we had a great weekend of NO WORK for once! Tom and I both had the weekend off and it was lovely and perfect.

On Saturday Bex, Mr. Bex, and I ran the Gibson Guitar 5K. I usually try for a PR in every race I do, but this one I was not holding my breath for it.

The heat index was over 100 degrees on Saturday, and I have never been a fan of night races (this one was at 7pm) because I just hate running at the end of the day. But for this race I felt pretty good.

It was a neat course, starting and ending on Beale Street. Going down by the river in the middle. I actually enjoyed it and didn't feel like I was going to die of a heat stroke. I think I finished around 30 minutes which is not too terrible.

Bex and Mr. Bex finished in 36 minutes for his first race EVER! This was a hard race to start on, but he did awesome and had a good time.

Also, our friend Nikki was there with her husband and daughter. Nikki works at our rec center here in Tunica and is an uber-athlete. I think she came in 4th overall or something. She finished in 23 mintues! She is a machine.

Afterwards we all went to Pearl's Oyster House for dinner and it was awesome and delicious. It was a fun night!

Yesterday I slept in until 10 and then was a lazy bum all day. It was a welcomed day of nothingness. :)

And today I'm back to Summer Firm-Up....I hit the snooze button a few too many times this morning but will go 'meet up' with my girl Jillian and then go for my bike ride this afternoon in the 5 o'clock heat! O-well, I will get a good sweat out I'm sure!

Have a great week everyone!

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