Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rock Star

Hey Friends...hot enough fer ya?

I mean, I feel like I say this all the time....and it's weird because I have lived in the South for all my 28 years so you'd think I'd be used to it by now but OH MY STARS IT IS SO BLAZIN' HOT OUTSIDE!
Maybe I'm getting old, or maybe I'm spending more time outside, or maybe Al Gore is on to something with the whole Global Warming bit, but it seems to me that it gets hotter and hotter each year.
Today the heat index in the Memphis-area is 105 degrees! Whaaaaaaat? I have been leaving my sweet angel daughter inside on days like today and for that I know she is greatful. We always keep three different buckets of fresh water in her yard for her, but I still worry. Yall please keep an eye on your pets during these hot, hot, hot days. Make sure you change their water every single day and watch for warning signs of dehydration and heat exhaustion (stumbling, dizzy behavior, dry gums and nose, sunken eyes, etc.).

This message brought to you by your friendly Mississippi Humanitarian Runner. :)

Last night (in order to stay on pace with the Summer Firm-Up) I did Jillian and then went on a 15-mile bike ride. I chose 15 miles because that usually takes me about an hour. I am to the point now where if I want to see a change in my body I have to put in a 90 minute workout about 5 days a week.

Sheesh, that sounds like a lot.

Those first 20 pounds were actually *easier* to get off than these last 5 or so. Just goes to show that I really needed to lose them!

So the bike ride was awesome and wonderful. By the time I got started it was already 6:30 so the sun was fairly low in the sky, making the temps a little more bearable. My ride goes way out on some country roads (don't worry, I'm always less than 1 mile from someone's house I know), so the route is surrounded by cotton, wheat, rice, and soy bean fields.

This time of year the fields are so leafy and green and lush and they smell like pure nature. Reminds me of camp. So I just enjoyed the ride and took in all the beauty of the Delta. By the time I got back to town I was nice and sweaty and hardly even noticed what a good workout I had gotten....I was just so entralled by the scenery.

*Anyway* I wanted to ask yall if you have tried or seen this product I tried this morning. We got a 16-oz can of it in our swag bag from the Gibson Guitar 5K (along with a full-sized bottle of Lubriderm body lotion, a lavender scented candle, band-aids, floss, and a coupon for a free chicken biscuit from Chick-Fil-A which I promtly threw away so as not to be tempted. This swag bag was random as can be, but whatev....).

I have always been scared of energy drinks because most are just full of sugar. And we all know that sugar=calories=fatty fatster.

But this one only has 2 grams of sugar in the 16 oz bottle so I figure it can't be too terrible. And only 20 calories in the whole 16 ounces.

It also has 100% of your daily value of Vitamins B3, B5, B6. And 250% of your daily value of Vitamin B12. I'm sure there's artificial sweeteners in it, but that doesn't really bother me since I basically bathe in Diet Coke.

So this morning after a humid five-miler with Bex, I wanted to do Jillian and needed a little more of a boost. I had this little guy in my frige from Saturday and decided to give it a try.

It tastes like lemonade, not carbonated, but comes in a can. I felt like 110% during my Jillian workout, and had some energy to spare. So I guess it worked. I liked it, but probably won't make it part of my daily....um....energy-increasing routine.

I think Emergen-C works equally as well and for some reason I feel better about drinking it instead because it's more natural, and you mix it with good 'ole H2O.

What do you think? Have you ever tried these energy drinks? Are they totally bad for you or what?

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