Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Quote for your Wednesday

Hola Blogaritas.

Happy Hump Day to ya!

Once again, I have very little to bring to the table today. I had to postpone my Wednesday morning plan of Jillian and a medium run. I woke up with SUPER sore legs/butt/hips this morning!

A good sign that those walking lunges I did yesterday as a part of the Fitnessista Summer Shape Up are working! Seriously, walking like a 90-year-old today!

So last night I went to bed with a headache after *CRYING MY EYES OUT* all night.

Guess why. Two reasons.
#1) One of my new favorite shows Last Chance Highway on the Animal Planet! Last night I watched the episode from Saturday night that I had DVR'd.
This week Shelly rescued a sweet mama dog and her four puppies. One of the puppies was blind ....yes, a blind much more sympathy can we ask for? A helpless, blind, PUPPY for God's sake!
And that blind puppy got adopted so fast! It was so sweet and I just cried remembering the day I dropped Dolly off to go to her new home!
#2) I bet you can guess....Losing it with Jillian. Last night Jillian had a family with a sweet, awkward, overweight 14-year-old boy who was just the sweetest thing. He lost 50 pounds and mended his relationship with Dad. Typical Jillian. I bawled.
Jillian said this during episode and I LOVED IT:

"When you take pride in your accomplishments
it doesn't mean you think you're better than anyone else.
It just means you value yourself and
you are sending that message to the world."

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