Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sorry so sketchy....

Hey Everyone....

Once again I have been slacking on my blogging duties. Does anyone else feel like your schedule goes to the wayside during the summer months? My schedule is crazy and my weekends fly by too fast!

This past weekend we had a lovely three-day weekend-o-fun. I left my camera at my friend Jessica's house so I'll have to post pics later in the week of our Fourth Festivites.

On my day off on Monday I washed my car and laid out in my back yard, sweating my head off! I counted it as my workout since I was so sweaty. :)

I also ready this book:
For any of you dog lovers out there you must read it! It is very cute, funny, happy, sad, exciting, all of the above! The story is told through the dog's perpective so of course I loved it. If you are looking for a quick fun summer laying-out read, give this one a try.

Monday night we went to my in-laws to celebrate my father-in-law's birthday. I stole these two pics from Sara Whitten's blog of Lilly!
She is getting so big and so BLONDE! I love her sweet white hair! Everyone says she looks like Tom, and now that she is blonde and tan I like to think she looks like me too! ha ha.

Sara Whit says she looks more like our child than hers and Brian's. I love that! I will tote her around all day just letting people think she is my beautiful baby!
Look how much Unca Tom and Aunt La La love Lilly....such a funny girl.
Bex has been out of town on various vacations over the past couple of weeks and boy have I been missing her! I am very co-dependant and hate working out out alone! Even if we are at the gym doing different things, I still like it better when she's there with me.
So I have been a big giant slacker what with Bex being gone, and a holiday weekend and all. But last night I did 4-mile run on the treadmill and 20 minutes on the stairmaster for a total of an hour of cardio. Then did upper body and my ab workout.
I feel sooooooooo much better today than I have over the weekend being a giant slug!
Bex is back in town now so we'll be back to our fit, healthy selves tomorrow!
Happy Hump Day Blog Land!

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