Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Pages

So I just figured out how to work the 'page' feature on Blogger.

You'll notice I added some pages up top! Check them out and let me know what you think. Any more pages yall would like to see?

This morning Bex and I did Legs on Fire and let me tell you what....our legs were SMOKIN!

We did a 4 mile outdoor run...only taking a quick break to save two tiny black kittens. Yes, you read that right. One of the joys of running in the country. Wildlife everywhere. I don't know if these kitties were pets or what. But they were standing just outside of a fenced in yard, and there were three larger cats inside the fence.

The larger cats seemed scared of us which made me think they weren't pets.

We quietly picked the kitties up, let ourselves into these strangers' back yard and returned the kitties safely. They were soooo cute and tiny.

Anyway, after doing our good deed for the day we ran on home and did Legs on Fire in my back yard. It was soooooooo hot and we were both DRIPPING by the end. The workout is awesome and I want to encourage all you intermediate-level ladies out there to try it.

I am proud of it, can you tell?

I've got one more workout to try tomorrow, but I'm going to post it after I do it all the way through because there are some kinks to work out.

Please take a look at the new pages and let me know what you think! I am soooooooo NOT tech-savvy so the page thing is a big deal to me. ha!

Happy Wednesday everyone!!! Over half way to the weekend and a tiny 2 1/2 days until WITHERS GONE WILD!

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