Thursday, July 15, 2010

Shred those Calories!

Hey All....thanks for checking out the new pages! Pretty spiffy, huh?

For the grand finale of our Beach workouts....this morning I did the third and final workout at the gym.

Buckle up, this one's a doozie.

Below is an outline of the workout. I am currently working on getting the pictures up on a new page (I am on a 'new page kick!') so check back!

I have decided to name this workout "Calorie SHRED" in honor of Jillian Micheals. I got a lot of these exercises from her 30-day shred. Just tweaked it a little to my liking, and my hard-core-ness.

Cardio: 40-60 minutes of cardio. Run/walk on the beach or street. This morning I did a 3 mile treadmill run at 6.0 mph. It took exactly 30 minutes. Then went over to my friend the Arc Trainer and chilled with it for 20 minutes. I did the 'weight loss' pre-set program on level 5 (level 10 is the highest).

Strength/Cardio Combo: For the strength, do 10 reps PER LEG of each exercise, using a 5 pound dumbell. 20 reps for cardio. Repeat entire circuit 2 times. 3 times if you’re feeling good!
o Bicep curls/Static Lunge combo
o Jumping Jacks
o Overhead press/squat (20 reps)
o Butt Kicks
o Jump Rope (if you don’t have a jump rope, use an invisible one)
o Anterior raise/side lunge combo
o Mountain Climbers, then straight into jacks NO REST!
o Jumping Jacks

Abs: Do each exercise as one set of 25. Repeat entire circuit 2 times
o Regular crunch
o Reverse crunch
o Bicycle crunch
o Sitting Ab twists
o 1 minute plank

This morning, I did 50 minutes in the cardio section, and then strength and abs took about 25-30 minutes. I did the Strength/Cardio combo circuit three times, so by then I was so tired I only did Abs circuit once. I was pooped!

Yall this is a hard core workout so please be smart when you're doing it and drink lots of water.

I am proud of this workout because by the time I was done my muscles were quivering and I was COVERED in sweat. Like, it looked like I had just gotten out of the water.

Gross and Awesome.

I am thinking if can do my three Beach workouts (that would be "Cocktail Dress Arms," "Legs on Fire," and the above "Calorie Shred") *at least* one time each, I will have absolutly no guilt about lazing around all week, shopping, eating, and laying out to my hearts content.

So that's my goal.

If you'd like to see all three workouts, check out the "Workouts" page or click on the links above.

After my workout I stopped by Subway because there's no breakfast food at our house and I'm not gonna go fill up on groceries right before going on vacay. Subway's got that new breakfast sandwich/english muffin situation and I wanted to try it.

It was so good! I got the english muffin with egg whites and pepper jack cheese. And you can put anything else you want on it but this simple combo is what sounded good to me.

It was $2 and wonderful! It would be easy to make at home, though, so I'm thinking when we get back I might figure out a way to save that $2 per breakfast. I'll let you know....

Now get out there and try my workouts. Come on, you know you want to....

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