Friday, July 9, 2010

Boring Blogger

Hey Everyone...sorry I've been a boring little blogger lately.

I did finally get my camera back from Jessica's house but our internet is down at our house right now, and I can't load pics onto my work computer. So there you have it. Boring Blogger.

Wednesday night I did another cardio/upper body/abs routine and it felt GREAT. My triceps are a little sore today and I love that.

Yesterday morning Bex and I did a SEVEN MILER in order to redeem ourselves from slacking off for a few days. It was so. freakin'. hard.

I had to walk a couple times for probably a total of 1/2 mile. A little disappointing but it's to be expected after taking a little mid-summer break. We were both completely soaking wet with sweat when we got done.

And I did not feel 100% myself all day long....think I was a little dehydrated and just plain sleepy. But I slept like a baby last night.

Tonight is gym for cardio/weights/abs again.

I am totally unmotivated at work today. Counting down the days to our annual Withers Gone Wild trip.

Every summer, Tom's parents take the whole fam damily on a trip. In the past we have gone to Gaston's Trout Fishing Resort (I use the term 'resort' lightly, here) over the 4th of July Weekend. We always went with Bex and her family (that was how we met and started our wonderful running friendship!)

As you can imagine, Gaston's is not the most luxurious resort in the fact, it's downright rustic and boring. The boys just fish all day (which they love) and the girls sit around a watch the babies and play cards and drink wine. Which is fine with me. I'm all about any vacation where you don't have to be anywhere, or get on a computer, or answer a phone, or answer to ANYONE for that matter.

However, the girls (the girls being me, Myra, Sara Whit, and Lilly) took a vote and decided we wanted to campaign for a beach trip this year. And we got it! My in-laws agreed to pay for a house in Destin for all of us, if the kids would pitch in for groceries. A pretty fair trade, don't you think?

So in eight short days we are Destin-bound! I am soooooo ready and have been looking forward to a beach trip for some time! This will be the first time for Lilly to go to the beach, and also the first time for the whole family to be at the beach together! I can't wait.

Again, sorry for the boring blog, but I hope yall have a great healthy sweaty weekend! ha!

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