Monday, July 12, 2010

Vacation Workouts

Hey Y'all....

I feel like I say this with every post, but sorry for my sparatic blogging lately. I think because I am not technically training for anything, I feel like I don't have much to blog about. Our at-home internet is still on the fritz (and probably will be until we get back from vacay) so I'm blogging at work. Don't tell.

Right now the only thing I'm training for is a wedding in a few weeks. A wedding in which about 99% of my ex-boyfriends will be IN or attending....isn't it true that no matter how happy you are in your current relationship, you always want to look good in front of an ex-boyfriend? You know I'm right.

*Anyway* as I mentioned in my last post, we are a mere few days away from leaving for Withers Gone Wild 2010 in Destin. T-minus 5 days to be exact!

I have made up a couple of workouts to do on our trip, possibly ON the beach if the Tar Ball Monsters aren't rearing their ugly heads?

I always do this....I get all fired up for working out on vacation and then wind up drinking too much wine, and falling into a food coma and not working out at all. But there is something *extra* rewarding about working out on vacations.

Especially if you're on the beach, early morning, Denise Austin style, sweaty, sandy....oooooooooh I'm getting so excited!

So I've come up with three WGW10 Beach for arms, one for legs, and one for strength/cardio combo (I've named that one "Jillian" for obvious reasons).

Since I have nothing else to blog about, I'll post the workouts over the next few days. Obligatory disclaimer: consult your doctor, I'm not a doctor, I'm not a personal trainer, I'm just a fat white girl who is not responsible for you if you hurt yourself doing these exercises. Mmmmkaythanks.

Here's the first one....let's call it "Cocktail Dress Arms" in honor of said wedding at the end of the month. Ha!

Cardio: Run or walk on beach or street for 40-60 minutes. At the gym, I have been doing 40 minute runs followed by 20 minutes on stairmaster or arc trainer. At the beach we'll just have to hoof it!

Arms: do exercise in one set of 12 reps with 5-8 pound weights. Repeat entire circuit 3 times.
  • Bicep Curls
  • Overhead Press
  • Tricep Kickbacks
  • Bent-0ver Rows
  • Push-ups
  • Tricep dips

Abs: do exercise in one set of 25. Repeat entire circuit 2 times.

  • Regular crunch
  • Reverse crunch
  • Bicycle crunch
  • Sitting Ab twists
  • 1 minute plank

Stay tuned tomorrow for legs....

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