Thursday, July 15, 2010

Guest Writer!

Hey yall, it's FRIDAY and you know what that means.....

WITHERS GONE WILD 2010 STARTS TOMORROW!!!! I am so fired up, and have been looking forward to this vacation for a long time!

Since we'll be at the beach, I'm not sure if we'll have internet access or what, so blogging will be sparse, if at all. But I'll be back soon with a full report for ya.

In the mean time I have a special report from a very special guest writier!


Bex here, reporting for duty on my first blog assignment. My ever so dedicated and fit partner, Laura, has given me the honor of reviewing her newest workout routines for her beloved blog followers. Now, of course, in order to review the workouts, I had to actually do them, and all I can say is......

Whew! It is hard work getting Laura ready to go to the beach! Three new workouts in as many days has definitely required me to change my attitude from "cardio junkie/weight training allergic" to "I love reps, let's do some more!" But I will say it has been nice to spice things up, while examining just how all too comfy cozy my old workout habits have become. So out with the old, in with the new - and here are your reviews:

Upper body strength is not my strong suite, so I was not looking forward to this little number, but ended up being pleasantly surprised. I was even a big girl and used eight pound weights instead of five. I know, don't get intimidated by my superhuman strength.

All the exercises were simple enough to perform (aside from that crazy "bent-over row" move) and the whole deal did take not too long to complete. Yet, it was challenging enough to make me feel like it was beneficial and I was on my way to acquiring two slender, toned (and madly powerful) arms.

The soreness factor was much less than I thought it might be, with my shoulders and upper back only mildly reminding me of my previous day's activities. Over all, I give it two thumbs up.

First off, let me say that this little ditty of a circuit is aptly named. My legs were on fire while I did it, they were on fire all day yesterday, and remain smoldering even now. My booty, too, for that matter.

I thought this would for sure be the easiest of all the new routines, and while I did not think it was difficult to complete -- call me crazy, I thought it was a fun way to wrap up a four mile run at 6:00 a.m. -- the after effects prove just how challenging it really is.

I am used to the lunges and squats, but the duck walk, jump & stick, and plies were obviously headline news to some much ignored muscles in my body. I loved this routine, I enjoyed the combination of moves, and plan on incorporating it regularly.

Good job, Laura!

For all of you out there who use the excuse that you don't like/can't afford/hate with a fierce passion going to the gym, "Calorie shred" is proof that you can get in a decent, sweaty, non-boring workout right in your own home.

I did this in my living room with a set of 5 lb weights, a small plastic stair stepper from Wal Mart, and an imaginary jump rope. While watching Rachel Ray. That is about as low tech as it gets and I was a sweaty, panting mess by the time I finished.

I only had about an hour to cram everything in, so I added planks (front & side) to the end of the circuit and skipped the abs part. I did ten minutes of stairs to start, then the first circuit, more stairs, second circuit, and ended with stairs.

The circuits took me a bit over fifteen minutes to complete, so I finished in an hour and five, which was about perfect. All in all, this was a pretty exciting workout for me, as it involved lots of jumping around and as bonus, Rachel Ray gave some good tips on how to cook delicious fish tacos.

Although I can't comment on how sore I will be from this, having completed it only a couple of hours ago, I can assure that my still smoking leg muscles were reignited by many of the moves. Fun, refreshing, challenging break from my norm.

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