Tuesday, July 13, 2010

RAIN and Leg Workouts are GOOD THINGS

Hey Gang....

I woke up this morning to RAIN glorious RAIN!!!!

It has been soooooo dry here all summer, thus resulting in crispy crops, grouchy farmers, and nervous bankers. We have been *praying* for a good rain for quite some time and we finally got it this morning! Whew.

When I got back from my workout Tom was still at home....he is usually at the office by 6:30am but today (because of said rain) he didn't have to go in until like 8:30. So it was nice to have our coffee together and have a slow start to the morning.

I had to share this video to give you some insight into our life in the Delta....rain is a good thing!

So anyway....

Because of the rain Bex and I decided to meet at the gym.

Bex wanted to try Cocktail Arms workout with me this morning and I think she liked it. She said she was 'impressed.' I think she thought she was gonna get some mamby-pamby workout from me but no siree!

We got a great start with 20 minutes on the tredmill (at 6.0 mph if you're wondering), followed by 20 minutes on the Stairmaster. We do the 'advanced fat burning' program on the Stairmaster.

Let me tell you: the sweat...it was a-flowin'.

Then we did Cocktail Dress Arms and it was lovely.

So today I'm sharing the legs workout I made up....what should we name it? Hmmmmm...how 'bout "Legs on Fire". Has a nice ring to it. Suggestions are welcome, though.

Okay so I have to tell you that I have not actually done this workout (gasp!). I have done all these exercises, just not in one consecutive workout. So yall are my guinea pigs.

Do it and let me know if you love it. You'll notice that the cardio and the abs are the same as in Cocktail Dress Arms. I've just changed the middle to concentrate on the good 'ole Go Sticks. :)

Cardio: Cardio of your choice for 40-60 minutes. Mix it up...try 30 minutes on tredmill then 30 minutes on Stairmaster or 20 minutes on elipical and 30 mintues on ArcTrainer.

Legs: do exercise in one set of 12 (that's 12 per leg for lunges, and jump & stick). Repeat entire circuit 3 times

  • Walking Lunges
  • Jump and Stick
  • Squats
  • Duck Walk: for this one, simply pick a distance and 'duck-walk' down and back. Should take you about 1 minute total
  • Plie Squats

Abs: do exercise in one set of 25. Repeat entire circuit 2 times.

  • Regular crunch
  • Reverse crunch
  • Bicycle crunch
  • Sitting Ab twists
  • 1 minute plank

Good luck....send me a comment with questions.

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