Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Okay so I just wanted to follow up to yesterday's comment I made about an old picture I had found of myself.

Disclaimer: I realize it's not 100% appropriate to post bathing suit pictures of yourself on your blog but I'm gonna do it anyway. It's my blog, it's my picture, and I can do whatever I wanna do. If you are opposed to bathing suit pictures on blogs just stop reading now.

So in August of 2007, my dad, Louise, and I went to Grand Caymen for vacation. I just discovered the picture below from that trip:

And this picture was takin in March of 2010: Not like a crazy-Biggest-Loser-before-and-after-pic, but my mouth just dropped open when I saw that fatty picture.

I think I *must* be around 185 in this picture. One of the heaviest weights I've ever been. I had run my first half-marathon in April of that year, and after that just got lazy and burned out and packed on the pounds!

Plus, I had just met Tom (awwwww....he loved me when I was fat) and we were all crazy and in love and silly and I just thought I could get chubby and he would love me no matter what. Which was true...but I found out that I didn't love me no matter what!

So here we are three years and thirty pounds later....much better. :)

In other completely unrelated news....

'Member how I told you that Reba loves ice so we have been filling up her outside water bowl with it?

Well look what Little Girl has figured out:
Ahahahahahah! Thankfully she has not actually figured out how to push the ice button on the fridge, but if there is even a SLIVER of ice left in that tray she will get it.
Don't worry, it gets cleaned daily....often multiple times daily.
My daughter is so smart, I just had to share. :)
Happy Thursday everyone, the weekend's almost here!

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