Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer Firm-Up

Heeeeeeey Friends!

Miss me?

I missed you.

I was *way* out of comission for the last week. I have had an insane work, I'm talkin bout leaving my house at 6am and not walking in the door again until 9pm. Crazy Train. Needless to say, I was thrilled to have yesterday and Monday off for a much-needed rest.

And now we're back to the same ole same ole day-to-day stuff.

It has been brought to my attention that I have not updated much on the Weight Watchers front. Reason being that now I'm technically on maintenance and let's face it, it's just not exciting. Not exciting, that it, until your girl GAINS 3.5 pounds in seven quick days.


You heard me. 3.5 pounds.

After the triathlon, I 'took some time off' but it wasn't like I was sitting around eating cup cakes and chili cheese fries every day. Okay maybe one day but not EVERY day. Not enough to warrent almost a 4-pound weight gain.

But after sweatin' it out all weekend at work, I weighed in this morning and lost that 3.5 pounds thank goodness! So it's all good. I just have to keep at it.

Which leads me to something (semi-) fun I've decided to do. I read The Fitnessista blog (for some reason I am having issues with my external links so here it is: and the author, Gina, is too cute.

She is a fitness trainer extrodonaire, and a raw food chef. I am neither, but I like her blog a lot. She is doing what she calls the "Summer Shape-Up," and it looks totally awesome.

She does a lot of yoga and stuff like that, which I don't really enjoy so I've decided to start my own.

Enter: Laura's Summer Firm-Up (you know, so as not to steal her name or anything)!

The Fitnessista does different stuff each week to reach maximum athleticness, but I am no expert so mine is much simpler. Just something I'm trying in order guessed it...firm up for summer!

So here we go...

Bike: 15-20 miles
Medium Run: 5-6 miles
Swim: swim one hour
Long Run: over 6 miles :)
Everyday: JILLIAN's 30-Day Shred with 5-lb weights

Day-by-Day Plan
Day 1: REST
Day 2: Bike
Day 3: Medium Run
Day 4: Sprint Workout on Treadmill
Day 5: Swim
Day 6: REST
Day 7: Long Run

(sidenote: Day 1 for me is Sunday because I like to take a day of rest on Sunday)

So whatcha think about that Jillian every. single. day? Boo-Ya!

Pretty hard-core, huh? I thought so.

I've mentioned before that I really want to firm up and get nice and toned since I've lost a good amount of fat. Shredding it with Jillian should be a good way to get that taken care of. Hopefully. I'll let you know. :)

We are on....wait for it....DAY TWO of Jillian so of course I'm feeling like a bad ass. We'll see how long that lasts.

What are YOU doing this summer to get ready for that new bikini?

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