Monday, November 15, 2010

Country Comes to Town

Happy Tuesday everyone!

It is a rainy and gloomy day in the Delta and I just wanted to snuggle down in bed instead of coming to work this morning!

Over the weekend I was in my old stomping ground of Nashville celebrating Myra's birthday, and catching up with old friends!

On Friday afternoon, Sara Whit, Brian, and I drove to Nashville and met Myra and her parents (along with about 50 of her closest friends!) at her party.

Since she was turning 30, the theme was Thirty Dancing....get Dirty Dancing.

It was cute. The party was on the top floor of a condo building in downtown Nashville so the view was beautiful! Here are a few party pics:
Kathleen, SW, and me
Me, Ryan (Kathleen's husband), and Kathleen. We have about 20 pictures like this from college. Kathleen was my college roomie and Ryan was her then-boyfriend. We would always take this funny picture at band parties and stuff. The good ole days....


Katie, Myra, and Sara Whit

They even had Dirty Dancing playing on the TV at the party!

The whole family, minus Tom and Lilly. :)

After the party we went to a honky tonk on lower Broadway in Nashville and proceeded to behave like we were in college and stayed out until 3am. It. Was. Awesome.
On Saturday night I met up with Lacey, her boyfriend Jesse, Caitin (no pic of Caitlin....booooo!) and her fiance Ben. We had a great time catching up at our favorite old spot, Sam's in Hillsboro Village.
Fun fact of the week: Sam's was where I first laid eyes on my dream boat husband. We were there for their weekly Friday Night Kareoke and he sang "They Call Me The Fireman" by George Strait. Which I thought was so clever and funny because he IS a fireman. Bwahahahah. He had on a red Polo shirt just a'singin' that song! I'll never forget it.

Unfortunately he would never do that now, 'cause he's a boring old married man with no one to impress with his mad kareoke skills.


After Sam's I met up with Myra and the rest of her crew down the road at another sports bar I used to frequent back in my hay day. And we stayed out too late AGAIN. Like college, seriously.

I made it home to Tunica in one peice on Sunday night, looking like a hot mess. I was soooooo tired that I slept until 8:40 on Monday morning, but made it to work by 9am!! So you can only imagine the beauty that exuded from my bedhead/shiney face/mismatched wardrobe combo.

Have a great week everyone!!

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