Thursday, November 18, 2010

Playing Catch-Up


I have gotten many a question about a one Miss Reba McEntire Withers. Is she pregs? Is she not pregs?
I don't know why it's taken me so long to follow up on this subject...maybe because I am just so helter-skelter and all over the place and am doing good to get to work on time with two similar-looking shoes on.
To answer this question, no, my sweet (but apparently PRUDE daughter) is not pregnant. Not for lack of Rascals' trying, though! I guess she must have had a head ache or a long day at work or maybe she just wasn't in the mood but either way it didn't work out.
She is, however, very fat which led us to believe she was pregnant. So we are transitioning her food and exercise routine instead of caring for a litter of adorable golden retrievers! Booooooo.
Oh well, we still love her dearly. Since she is not with child, I will leave you with some pictures of Reba from her puppyhood.


You might remember a while back when Mom and I were picking out tile for our new bathroom. Well, said bathroom is well under way so we are living in about an inch and a half of dust but it will all be worth it in the end.

I am planning a FUN FUN FUN (okay it's fun for me, maybe not all that fun for you guys) theme for the week of December 6th. During that week I've got 5....count 'em 5....'Before and After' topics I'm going to showcase complete with lots of lovely pictures.

You're excited, I can tell. Who doesn't love before and after pics?

So stay tuned for some house B&A news, and some Half Marathon B&A news as well...along with a few others!

Have a great night everyone!

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