Among friends, I mean.
I'm going to be very honest with you and honest with myself which is something fairly new to me since I prefer to just chill out in the 'Denial' section of life most of the time.
Okay the real-talking starts with a conversation about a little event in Memphis we like to call the St. Jude Marathon Weekend. As we all know, as evident by the page on this blog dedicated to this race, I have plans to run this half marathon in a mere 24 days.
Pause for dramatic effect.
And I am 99% certain that is it not going to be pretty. Let me just be brutally honest when I tell you (and brutal honesty is a must because what good is a blog if it's author is a big fat liar all the time?) that I am not in anywayshapeorform prepared to run 13.1 miles in a few weeks.
In fact, I am half-dreading it, half-looking-forward to it (okay while we're being honest I must confess it is more like 80% dreading it, 20% looking forward to it).
Dread comes because I have to admit I'm not prepared. I have to admit I set a goal and probably won't achieve it. I have to admit that I had a plan and didn't see it through.
Siiiiigggggghhhhhh thus is life, though. This fall has made me realize that there comes a time in all our lives when the other things....the not-so-fun things...the scary, sad, and realistic things, are going to take over our *plans* we have made for ourselves.
That those scary, sad, and realistic things come in and take over and soak up all your time and energy leaving you at the end of the week having not run one step (much less 20 miles) and leaving you with 5 empty wine bottles and a few extra pounds around the middle, and the feeling that you physically cannot peel yourself out of bed to just get into the shower.
Figuratively speaking, of course.
I am looking forward to it because I know that I will finish this run, and finish it with a smile on my face, God-willing. I will finish it because it's a good cause and even though I have abandoned my training schedule, quitting is not in my nature so even if I have to hobble the last 5 miles I will finish this daggum RACE!
So that's where my head's at. Just wanted to get that out.
Since it's Wednesday, and since I have a *short week* this week (I'm off on Friday---hooty hoot!), and since I am BEYOND BORED at work today, I'll leave you with a few items that fall into the category of 'What I'm Loving Wednesday!'
1.) This sister Myra Sue! She turns 30 on Friday and therfore I am OFF to Nashville for a big fun celebration with her and many other friends. That is, of course, if she doesn't kill me first for putting this picture of her on my blog. But seriously, isn't she cute and funny? She totally is.
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